The Wedding

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Its been about  6 months since the day Kenma proposed to you, it didn't take long to plan the wedding since it wasn't gonna be too big. 

So there you were all dressed up on the opposite side of Kenma. The ceremony had just started you were standing across Kenma about to walk down the aisle with his father.

There he was in his suit staring at you with Kuroo and Lev at his side, watching you walk down the aisle like you were the best god damn thing that had ever happened to him. A certain sparkle in his eye that just made you want to cry. He really did love you.

Everyone at the reception just looking at you walk up to the little stage in your beautiful attire, as you reached the stage you saw Kenmas mom by your side almost in tears which made you smile.

The priest then spoke "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Y/n L/n and Kenma Kozume in matrimony commended to be honorable among all..." as you to gazed into each others eyes getting lost in them for a second.

"...and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace." the priest continued.

No one said anything signaling that no one objected and then proceeded to continue the ceremony.

"Now the giving in marriage, if the parents will please step forward and say a few words." said the priest handing the mic to Kenmas mother.

"Marriage is a beautiful thing, a ceremony in which you dedicate the rest of your life to someone who you truly and whole heartedly love with your entire being, and standing here today with my son and his spouse makes me so happy. Knowing that my baby is finally all grown up and has found true happiness with my soon to be daughter in law..." she said holding back tears, p.s. she couldn't hold them back.

"Oh god i'm crying haha, well ill pass the mic to your father i'm sure he has a couple of things to say as well." she said handing the mic over.

He cleared his throat and then said: "When i saw your mother i knew she was gonna be the one that i was gonna marry i'm sure you felt the same way when you saw your now spouse Kenma and i am so proud of you and what you have accomplished in life, I wish you the best and only to best, my perfect loving son." he said as he handed the mic back to the priest.

"Now for the vows if you would." He said passing the mic to Kenma first.

You turned to each other and intertwined your right hands. 

"Y/n L/n you are my warmth when i feel that i am alone and freezing, you are the person that  know i want to spend the rest of my life with, i wouldn't change you for anything in the world. I want to give you the entire would, but that still would be enough to show you how much i love you. I love every little part of you, from your battle scars, to your snarky comments, and from your video game skills to  your midnight snoring..." he said with a slight laugh.

"I love you for you so don't ever change. Ever." he said handing you the mic.

"Kenma Kozume, your the light in my darkness, when i felt like i was drowning and being consumed by the darkness i found you, My world is so much brighter with you. Though the way we met isn't exactly the most romantic way, i still want to thank my fans out there." you said smiling pointing at the camera man you guys hired to record your wedding ceremony so your fans could watch.

"Because without them i would have never found you, and i know for a fact that if i didn't find you when i did, i wouldn't be standing on this earth. I owe you my entire life, you've always been there to support me and i want to do the same. Plus the name Y/n Kozume has a nice ring to it doesn't it?" you said laughing.

"I love everything about you from your late night raging to your clinginess, and from your pet like behavior to your silly little laugh and your stupidly charming smile. I love you always and forever, so ill never change but you have to promise me that you wont change either." you said. 

(I promise) he mouthed and you smiled handing the mic back.

The rings where then brought up by Yaku another one of Kenmas friends who you met a while back. You guys placed the rings on each others fingers and proceeded.

"Do you Kenma Kozume, take  Y/n L/n, to be your partner in life, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?" The priest asked.

"I do" Kenma stated.

"And do you Y/n L/n, take Kenma Kozume, to be your partner in life, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?"

"I do" you said smiling.

"By the power vested in me by the State of _____, I now pronounce you husband and husband/wife/spouse. You may now kiss your partner" the priest said.

Kenma then proceeded to kiss you and pulled away and the clapping started.

(I love you) you both mouthed simultaneously which made you guys laugh.

After that you guys took pictures with everyone at the wedding and once the wedding celebration was over you guys went home. Happily wedded to your baby. 

Little did you know you had a surprise waiting for you, your baby was pregnant

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Little did you know you had a surprise waiting for you, your baby was pregnant. 

[Time skip 3 months]

Its been three months the kittens were born not too long ago. you watched as Kenma sat in the living room playing with all the little cats while you were making him breakfast. You took out your phone and recorded.

"Awww so cute daddy's playing with his kids" you said with a smile as you both just laughed.

It was these little moments that made you fall even further than you knew you could have fallen for someone...

The end~


[A/N] Thank you guys all so much for reading this story i appreciate every single one of you, thank you for peing pacient with me and for supporting me. These days are tough for me but ill get through it. Im starting a couple of other stories and they will hopefully be up soon. But again thank you for all the support on this ff but this is the end, see ya~

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