If you want~

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After falling asleep in each others embrace, your arms around his head, his head against your chest while his arms are wrapped around your waist.
Legs intertwined.

It was finally morning and you tried to get out of bed only yo remember kenma was tightly holding onto you.

"So cute~" you said moving his hair out of his face.

You let out a little smile trying to get loose from kenmas grip only for him to pull you in closer and say:

"5 more minutes pleaseeee I swear" as he was still half asleep.

"How can I say no to you kitty" you let out in a loving tone.

You sat there for about 5 more minutes admiring Kenmas beauty, thinking about how lucky you were to have met him.

About how your viewers made this all poss- your viewers... you were supposed to stream today!!!

"Time time time what time is it" you whispered to yourself.

"Fudgeeee it's already 2pm I'm so gonna be late I cant believe I over slept this much" you whispered annoyed with yourself.

"Kenma... I'm so sorry but please wake up" you whined in a sad tone because you has to wake up the beautiful man next to you.

"What's wrong??" He asked as he saw the look you had on your face.

"We overslept like alot... and I was supposed to stream and I still have to shower and-" you started complaining as Kenma interrupted you.

"Just do it here, you can shower over there and use my stuff. If you want~" He said.

"Here??" You said suprised that that thought even crossed his mind.

"Is something wrong, is my room to clean for you?" He said in a teasing manner.

"No it's just- our set ups are different, the background is different- everything here is different... what if they get the wrong idea..." you went on rambling.

"That you slept with me?" Kenma said in such a calm manner.

"What are you saying right now!" You said stressed out.

"I mean you did- oh I didnt realize what I ssid.... sorry" Kenma said with a slight blush.

"If you insist I will take you home and let you stream here, but all I'm saying is this is way easier" he said trying to convince you.

Again how could you say no to that pretty face.

"Fineee but if anyone gets the wrong idea your explaining yourself" you said while he grabbed your face.

"With pleasure" he let out as he kissed your forehead.

"Wheres your shower" you asked

"Over there" he pointed

You walked over to the bathroom in his room and closed the door.

[Kenmas POV]

No way... I was just messing around. I didnt think they would actually say yes. I thought to myself as i let out a giggle.

They seriously are taking a shower... at a guys house... who they just met....

Do they trust me that much? I could open the door at anytime... theres no lock on that door.

Do they have that much confidence in me? Cute~

Clothes!- they're gonna need clean clothes, I thought so I went through my cabinets trying to find a nice smallish outfit for them.

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