I am he~

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TW!!!! Swearing, fighting, and bad bad bleeps ahead.

After that little incident, you guys sat down and ate breakfast. You kept your eyes down looking at your food flustered.

Kenma sat there like nothing ever happened, he was unphased.

"Pudding I really dont see the problem..." he said looking at you.

No response.

"I mean... its not a big deal... it's not like you were never gonna see it..."
Kenma said with a slight laugh.

You face just turned redder.

[After breakfast]

You had calmed down about the incident and you both when to your guy's gaming room to start the stream you guys were gonna do together.

You guys started it and the fans started pouring in saying how you guys were a cute couple and how you guys were perfect for each other.

You guys decided to play minecraft and make some progress on the world you guys had together.

"This is our house." You both said as you guys walked in.

As soon as the viewers say the pets and the decorations they went crazy.

You guys had played together once or twice in that world so you had a fair amount of stuff in there considering how long you guys would play for, hours...

You never let kenma into your room. For many reasons starting from the fact that you had a giant picture of him on your wall next to your door so he would never see it.

So being on a stream and all you decided to show your viewers your room.

They thought it was cute that you had a picture of kenma across from your bed.

As you were admiring it with your viewers you felt a presence behind you so you slowly turned around and...

"K-kenma hey heyyyy" you said trying to move the screen away from the giant picture of kenma.

"Is that why you wont let me go into your room...." kenma said laughing. You looked down in defeat...

"Look come to my room" he said.

You always refused to go into his room or know anything about his because it was only fair that if he couldnt see yours then you couldnt see his.

He sat back down and opened the door to his room for you. You walked in and...

"I dont have a problem with you having a picture of me on your wall ken..." you said turning around. With a slight nervous laugh.


"When you were sleeping duh" he said laughing.

"Anyways let's continue." He said and you obeyed.

[After the stream]

You guys were driving to the boba place you went to the first time you guys met.

Vibing to music. Having fun.

As soon as you guys got there it was all good you guys ordered and went to play a couple games...

Persistent af at everything because yall were just too good and couldnt decide who was better.

After a while of that you guys decided to go back to battling on the ddr machine (dance dance revolution)

You were running over to the machine racing kenma when you see someone there.

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