I choose not to respond~

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Kenma was already so proud of you but you werent done yet....

"Your not done?" Kenma asked....

"Nope~" you said winking at kenma.

You scrolled through tiktok and found the audio you were looking for.

"Ken come over here really quick" you said since he had just gotten out of the shower.

"Kay I'm coming" he said as he walked out in just some sweats.

Perfect. You thought to yourself.

"Sit down here" you said patting on the bed.

He obeyed.

You sat down on his lap so you were facing each other and took out your phone.

"I dont miss no ex" you mouthed as you recorded yourself dragging your hand down Kenmas chest.

"Thanks kitty" you said hopping off of him.

"If your gonna do that at least give me a kiss pudding" he said frowning.

You crawled over to him again and kissed him then smiled as you sat down and layed your head on Kenmas lap.

He say there playing with your hair.

You put the text message he sent you asking for a second chance on the screen and covered the camera  so only the picture was showing over the:

"I dont miss no text" part...

Then you sat up and kissed kenma then let go as you mouthed:

"I choose not to respond...."

Then you sat down on Kenmas lap again this time facing away from him.

He hugged you and layed his head on your shoulder.

"I dont regret just pretend sh*t never happened" you mouthed then you proceeded to post the video with the caption

"Sucks to suck"

You then got up and went to the restroom to shower.

You got back and look at your phone to see a bunch of notifications.

This video showed the same results as the last.

Except this time you ex found the video...

"Y/n take this down rn." he commented...

The comments went crazy.

"Someone's mad they got rejected 🙄"

"Ayo it's the guy from the last post!!"

"Sucks to suck lmaooo"

"You lost a good one dude..."

And a bunch of other comments like that.... watching them pop up was funny.

You replied to his comment...

"Sucks to suck go talk to your gf your so happy with 🤷‍♀️"

Then everyone started roasting him even more...

You went and snuggled up to Kenma and showed him everything and you guys layed in bed laughing at comments.

After a while you guys got tired of reading and decided to play minecraft on the playstation you guys kept in the room.

You went to the jungle to look for another ocelot.

Kenma sat my the river near your guest's house and tried to fish up another name tag because you guys had used them all on your birds horses and your other cat.

You came back with an ocelot because you guys wanted to see what it would turn out to be together.

It was a black cat with green eyes.

"This ones so pretty!!" You said hugging kenma.

"What should we name it?" Kenma asked...

"Hmmm.... how about C/N [just put a name you would want for your cat lol]"  you said looking at him

"Okay" he said walking over to the anvil and then naming the cat.

Now you guys had 2 cats a siamese cat and a black cat.

After that you guys felt pretty accomplished so you went to make him lunch because it was already like 2pm.

You guys slept in because why not duh.

[A/N] I'm gonna go on a little rant down below you dont have to read it its really not that important...
God I feel so fucking useless... I literally love her so much and seeing her that happy with someone else hurts so bad... and ik it's wrong for me to feel that way I'm so toxic and I hate it... but that's exactly why I dont wanna be with her... because i dont want to hurt her like i did him... but seeing her that happy with someone else makes me wanna throw myself of a bridge... even if they really are just friends...
Sorry if you actually read that i just have no where else to rant without her seeing it...

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