The date~!!

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It was sunday morning, you had already told your twitch fans that you werent streaming tonight because you were meeting up with someone.

As you started deciding what you were gonna wear you finally decided:

As you started deciding what you were gonna wear you finally decided:

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(Which ever you feel most comfy in)

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(Which ever you feel most comfy in)

After you finally decided you went to go take a shower... blasting your music and singing your heart out in the shower happy that your finally gonna go on a date.

Time flew by after you got out of the the shower you did your hair, got all dressed up, put on your makeup and did everything you had to do to be ready and by the time you were done it was almost time to see Kenma.

[Kenmas POV~]

"Ughhhh what am I gonna wear... i was never good at these things" I thought to myself while I banged my head against the bathroom door.
"Kuroooo help meee" I pleaded.

"Whatcha need ken" he responded.

"Pick an outfit for me I dont know what to wear" I told him

"Fine just hurry up and get out here." Kuroo said.

After I dried my hair I went to see what kuroo picked for me, to my suprise he didnt play a prank or anything he was serious.

He stood there with a really nice outfit I never would have thought to put together.

"Thanks kuroo" I said about to take the clothes he was holding up before he threw it on my bed and hugged me.

"My bestfriend Kenma is growing up so fast" he screamed.

"Kurooo let me go I have to get ready"
I responded as he held me in his tight grip.

"Your already getting a s/o bro, dont forget me when you marry them" he said hugging me toghter before finally letting me go.

"Marry??? Your getting ahead of yourself" I said before kicking him out of my room to change.

After I was ready I turned on my car and drove to their place.

As I drove in to the address they gave me I got out of my car hoping this wasnt a prank and went to ring the doorbell.

You opened the door and man were you stunning

I let out a "wow" by accident then looked away in embarrassment as I felt my cheeks flush red.

[Your POV]

Someone was ringing the door bell, it must be kenma, you thought as you grabbed your stuff and rushed to the door excitedly.

You took at deep breath and opened the door. The moment you opened the door you saw him standing there and the first thing you thought was:

"Oh. My. God. Hes real"

When you thought that you thought it... then you realized you said it out loud.

But the moment you realized you heard a tiny

"Wow" slip out of his mouth

Only to see him blushing and looking away

As you both made contact you laughed at each other.

"Are you ready?" Kenma asked

To which you responded "ya let's go"

You then proceeded to get into his car.

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[A/N] sorry I took so long to update ive been a bit ✨ b u s y ✨
But ya I just hit 5k on tiktok 😫😝

See yall next update

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