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Sticky air.
Windows opening.
Room getting smaller.
Voices getting louder.
Drink. Drink.

All that's in Armins mind when he leaves the full room of students. He couldn't stand that atmosphere anymore. It gives him bad vibes. His crucial memories are coming up by every moment he spend there for too long. That's why he decides to leave the building completely. He takes his jacket and goes outside, putting his hands deeply into the pockets.
Armin thinks about the students he met before. At least they are treating him nicely. Bryan, the oldest and tallest one of them, even shook Armins hand and welcomed him into their group. He gave him some beer but Armin rejected that offer. Josy, who's a very shy but smart girl, a loud girl named Lucy, red haired Taylor, Louis and Jonny. And much more. Everyone's nice but...well, 'but'. Maybe he just didn't get used to everything and everyone yet.
Oh... How could he forget Simon. A little black haired and blue eyed crocodile who didn't even said hello to Armin. He must be very-...

"Hey you! "
Armin turns around pretty confused. He sees a man running very panicked towards him, holding a backpack. He stops right at the front of Armin, breaths heavily and throws the back into Armins hands.
"Here take that. I will be right back!".
Armin wants to say something but the man already ran away. He looks at the thing the man gave him. "A bag? What's in there", he thought. Usually he doesn't bother such things but this bag was pretty hard to hold by how heavy it is. But before he takes the risk of looking into it he hears many cars coming closer.
With sirens. And blinking lights.
Oh, the police.
Armin closes his eyes and holds his hand against the blinking lights because they are about to blind him. All he can hear is the man leaving their cars and coming closer to him. As he opens his he sees that they are taking him, taking the bag and putting handcuffs on his wrists. Armin looks pretty confused and bewildered while they ignore Armins stuttering and just push him into the car.
"H-Hey what's that about? Why are you taking me? I didn't do anything!"
The policeman starts laughing and turns on his car. "What a funny joke you drug dealer."
Armins confused view turns into an angry one. "Pardon? I am a s-". "Shut your mouth now. You can tell your lies to our boss. Or I will make you shut your mouth!".
Armin gulbs hard as he feels a gun pushing against his neck by a young cop right next to him.
"Floche, put your gun away. He can't do anything anyway, right?".
Floche starts grinning at Armin and leans away from him.
"Yes, you are right."

So ungently.
Grabbing his collar.
Pushing him around.
They keep walking.
A jail?
What did he do wrong?
If he just didn't take that damn bag...
What was in it?
Something expensive?

2 damn hours later. He's still sitting in that damn jail. That damn policeman is staring at him. Making stupid jokes. Like he's not my age... What was his name...Floche? Sounds stupid.... When can he finally leave?

A loud noise suddenly appears. And Floche opens Armins cage and drags him out of it very ungently. Where is he pushing him to? It's dark in that corridor. Don't they have lights?
Downstairs... More cages?
Oh wait... There's a dark room in front of us with a small light in it. Looks like the office of someone very important, powerful... Probably the head of the police?

Floche pushes Armin into a chair which stands at the front of a big office table. He still holds firmly Armins shoulders. Damn, that idiot likes hurting his so called victims.
Armin looks up to Floche in a desperate way.
"Please listen. You are making a mistake. I am not the one you are looking for. I was-"
"Can you finally shut your mouth?! There's no need to explain it to me. You better think of a brilliant explanation and tell her"

Armin looks a little confused. But as he hears a gentle, deep female voice he frozes.
He knows that voice.
He has heard her already.
That pretty tones.
It must be...

She comes around at the front of Armin. Looking very neutral. And bored.
As Armin sees HER he can't believe his eyes.
That woman.
It's her.
Ice cold eyes.
White blond hair.
A beautiful body.
An angel...
Or a devil?
Doesnt matter.

She's the head of the police.
And she stands right in front of him.


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