🟣 Purple 🟣

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As Armin watches the pretty woman leave he chews his lips. Heart is beating. Body's heating. Thoughts are...Wait... What's going on with me?
As he tries interrupting his own thoughts which drift into a strange direction the woman disappears completely. Shit. Will I ever meet her again? I should have asked for her name at least...damn, I am such an idiot...
He shakes his head and turns around. A face?!
Armin jumps away from a small brown haired girl who wears glasses, a Lolita dress and a rainbow colored bag. He looks pretty confused at her while she laughs loudly and nearly knees on the ground.
"Your face! I can't!", she shouts in laughter. Armin shakes his head and recognises Carly who he is going to live with. Great. I hope this was the last time she scared me like that.
"H-Hey... Are you... Are you always going to scare me like that?", he says and laughs nervously.
"No no, just sometimes. Come now, the taxi is waiting for us."
Armin nods and follows that strange Emo looking girl while looking back a last time to the woman who disappeared.

A few hours later they are finally at the students flats. It's a huge building where students can rent a small flat. That's exactly what Carly does.
As they walk up the stairs Carly doesn't stop talking about herself and the college and what Armin should be aware of.
"Don't try to be friends with Jason, he has his group and doesn't want to be friends with anyone. I tried and the next day I got a fake love letter".
"Oh... Okay. I thought anyone likes getting friends."
" Not him. He's a rich ass, he doesn't need friends, only slaves. And the others are just around him because of his money and his famous daddy."
Armin raises an eyebrow and shakes his head while they enter her small flat then.
" Home sweet home, I hope you will feel comfortable here. You can sleep on the sofa until you get your own flat. I hope it's okay for you. "
" Yes it's fine... Thank you very much for letting me live with you."
She smiles cheeky at him and holds her fluffy dress in a firm way." No problem. I am glad I am not alone here anymore. I had a little chameleon but...one day I couldn't find him anymore...whatever, here are blankets and pillows. Just make it yourself comfortable. I am sure you are tired, you better go to sleep. Good night. "
" Good night Carly. "
He smiles at her and then she leaves and closes the door of the living room. He breaths deeply out and shakes his head as he turns on the little lamp of the table. He takes the blanket and the pillow and puts it on the sofa to make it comfortable. When he has dressed his sleeping clothes Armin decides to look out the window before he goes to sleep. What a beautiful sight from the 6th Etage out of 8 of the building. He starts smiling and realising that he's finally fulfilling his dreams.
He goes to the sofa. Lays down. Sighs deeply and strokes back his fuzzy hair.
Breaths deeply in.
Blond hair.
Ice blue eyes.
Beautiful body.
She's in Armins mind again.
But who is she?

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