Chapter 5: She can cook?

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I glanced about then raised a brow, Hisoka was pointing to a tree? Then Hina, Gon and the Kurta all went to Oreo? I sighed then walked to the Jester.

"What did you do?"

He simply smiled as I sighed.

"I could ask you the same-you just disappeared."

I batted my lashes then shrugged as he raised a brow-his gaze turned to behind me-if looks could kill.

"Alight welcome to the second faze of the exam-farewell."

The examiner with no mouth left-Then a large gate opened, humming we all walked into the concrete floors. A woman with mint hair and rather revealing clothing spoke-a man behind her who was king sized stomach growled.

"Today will be cooking Pork!"

Then a guy started downing Gorment Hunters. My gaze sharpened as I let my blood lust seep. He stopped his talk real quick as I spoke with my usual pissed grin.

"Now then listen to them-Gorment Hunting is harder than bounty Hunting. So shut up and listen!"

      His gaze sharpened as I let my aura poor out more, then someone gripped my sleeve. Looking down I saw Hina-her eyes were watering as she but her lips her eyes folded. I pulled the aura back and folded my brows.

"Sorry Sweetheart."

      I ran my hands through her short bubblegum locks as she huffed.


      Then he clapped his stomach as we began to walk out to the forest. Well I walked along with Illumi, the others ran off. I glanced to the stoic man an hummed a low tune. His muscles relaxed visibly.

"Your very impressive."

      I glanced an gave a warm smile as we walked around.

"You are as well-"

I bit my lip to cut myself from speaking-that would surely be embarrassing. He glanced but said nothing as we glanced around. Then the ground shook as I glanced and paled-before anything I was pulled up. His arms around my waist gripping my hips as his gaze was down. Kills friends we're running from them as I gently gripped his top unconsciously leaning into him.

"Thank you Moon"

I glanced to him a red staining my skin as his grip tightened. Then a small-soft smile as I stared into his ebony orbs. He began to pull me closer than a shriek-we turned out gaze to a fallen pig. My eyes widened as a red seeped into my skin-focus Thorn. I turned gave a warm smile as we slipped over as I summoned a breakable bow. Pulling the nen arrow back I set it to my cheek aimed then shot. Moon shot down a different pig with a needle as I grabbed my pig along with him. We went back to the kitchen area and without a word began our gaze of the exam. I was making curry from my home land, in fact a demon named Sebastian had made the recipe back in the 1800s-him and Ceil are quite the duo. They later dated it to seem Japan made the recipe later in the years but was quickly punished for the trickery. I quickly set the chocolate into the batch and cooked the buns. Humming I set two on each plate and had a few extra knowing Hisoka, Hina and Kill. I then walked over and set the plates down, they gave a curious glance about as she hummed an took a bite. Her eyes widened as the man had already began to eat the second. He gave the approval symbol as I noticed she ate more and smiled.

"Wow presentation and taste are perfect, congratulations 45-you passed."

I grinned and nodded as I walked over and chuckled seeing the plates I've set out taken. I've given Kill enough for his friends and him while Hisoka and Hina just took it and in the corner I saw both snacking in the back. I hummed and grabbed the hidden plate and walked to Moon. He seemed to be pissed but sulking slightly on him not passing. He turned as I gave a warm smile slightly showing the plate. He paused but took it using the fork to cut-his eyes widened as he began to eat more. I giggled leaning in as he finished the first then paused.


I shook my head gently pushing the plate back to him.

"I actually don't like dark chocolate-which is what's in this, so go ahead."

He paused then nodded eating the other as I noticed a old man on the ground. Pervert but then again her fault fir wearing that top. I turned my gaze to Hisoka who reeked of bloodlust and Hina had a confused face on the old guy. Then we were incited to his blimp-why I have no idea.

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