Chapter 9: Marry me?

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     I was in the woods, now then if I were a sniper where would I be. Well Raven likes trees and high places...I hummed..she'll either go for her target or stronger opponents if she's cocky. I then closed my eyes and took a breath, focus where's Hisoka. I can smell his blood too-he's to the east of the island now Moon. He'll be a lot harder to find...I took another breath closing my eyes. No, no, no then I was on the ground. My eyes open seeing the person I was just searching for. I paled slightly as his gaze narrowed to a tree. Was she really stalking me the entire time, he helped me up an arm around my waist as she shot he caught a bullet as I grinned making a dagger as we threw the objects. She fell from the tree-humming I walked over and took her tag.

"You were careless."

       I paled and gave a dry chuckle.

" bad I was trying to sense you to find her."

      I pointed to the body as he hummed then pulled me into him.

"Please be more aware....I don't want to loose you."

       My eyes widened as I gave a soft smile and cupped his face.

"I'm sorry for scaring you...but I can't die I'm and immortal Demon, thank you for your concern."

       His eyes widened as he folded his brows then kissed me, I leaned into him as his grip tightened. We then pulled away a heat staining both of our skins. I leaned onto him as I noticed his soft smile, a squeak flooded my lips as he casually lifted me. I huffed setting my hands against his chest.

"Please warn me when you do that."

       He hummed his smile still there as we continued walking.

"No, I like your reactions."

       My eyes widened as my skin turned deeper in color.

"Go ahead and get some sleep-"

        Humming I agreed snuggling up into the man drifting to a dreamless sleep.


         I slowly opened my eyes seeing a man fall with needles in his body. Instead of being held I was pressed against Illu his grip secure as his arm retracted then looked down.

"Did I wake you?"

       I shook my head stifling a yawn as I followed his gaze to Hisoka. He simply smiled as I gave a mental sigh, thank hell he's not trying to kill Illu. I stood on my own as he pulled the needles from his face.

"It's always interesting to watch you do that~"

       I nodded in agreement as he set the needles to his jacket.

"Me and Thorn are going to sleep for the rest of the week."

        I simply shrugged I have no quarrels with the idea. He then began to dig, I raised a brow as Hisoka chuckled. He then stretched up as I sighed.

"Amilia come forth."

       The wolf came back as she tackled Hisoka licking his face wagging her tail. I gave a smile as she summoned the med kit and handed it to me. Hisoka stopped me taking the kit.

"I'll fix it later-Amilia you can come with me."

       I shook my head seeing Amilia look to me. I gave a nod as she wolfed and ran after him. I then turned to Illumi.

"Come let's get some sleep I would also like to ask you something regarding Father."

       Humming I took his extended hand as we slipped into the very deep hole as he covered the top without it caving in. How I don't know, he laid down pulling me to lay on him-I raised a brow as he gave a small smile. After we both got comfortable I looked up to him.

"What would you like to know?"

       His hands rested on the small of my back.

"I would like to know why father asked me to meet you. I know there's more than what he said or do I need to wait till the exams over."

      I gave him a warm smile.

"Well to put it bluntly he wanted me to join his family-as in marriage."

      He paused then his eyes widened as I let out a hum.

"To who."

      I smiled and chuckled then bopped his nose.

"You silly-I said to wait because I would actually like to love in a marriage he understood that and agreed."

       He bit his lip then spoke again.

"I know you explained it and I understand...but Thorn will you be my wife."

       My eyes widened as I gave a warm smile and nodded. He pulled me closer our lips landing against each others. His hands gripped my arse as my hands gently grasped his face. We both were smiling as we pulled away.

"Yes I will Illumi."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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