Chapter 8: Mother

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A yawn flooded my lips-I was standing between Hisoka and Illumi as the examiner from the last faze explained the next faze. So far it's hunt or be hunted and anything goes. Sounds fun-but hell I'm tired. Then a hand was pressed to my spine-I gave a curt nod to Hisoka. Allowing me to straighten my stance then his name was called. He walked up and grabbed some card with paper. He waited to peel as Illumi then me, I walked over grabbing a card and walked back to the boys. Then one at a time everyone else got there's. The silence was dead as some people removed their badges. Sucks to suck, I memorized everyone's number.

"Alright peel your sticker."

I did along with everyone else, 80 the sniper chick named Siper. Now we were beginning to slip into a boat. I had ignored the woman and slipped to the back.

"Oh hey guys."

Kill, Hina, Gon, Kurta and Oreo were in the back. They turned and smiled as I approached them.

"Hey Momma!"

I chuckled as she hugged me and then looked to the others.

"I made friends!"

I ran my hands through her hair and smiled. Kill grinned as I ruffled his hair-then someone cleared their throat. I turned to see a large bulky guy who held a scowl. I raised a brow as I pushed the two behind me.


    I had Illumi's pin attached to the strap on my top. The jacket discarded because of how much blood-I teleported it to my home for a maid to clean. I then crossed my arms leaning into a hip I felt Kill peek over his hand on my hip.

"Your a bitch."

       I hummed then shrugged.

"Yeah sure am, so what?"

       He seemed taken aback, then sharpened his gaze.

"Your kids look like shit."

       I sharpened my gaze my aura seeping as he paled and gulped. I heard Hina and Kill chuckle as he fell to the floor.

"What did you say."

        He pushed himself back then bumped into Hisoka who gave a closed eyed smile Moon next to him glaring. He gulped then bowed down, he mumbled inaudible words.

"Speak up."

       He choked back a cough.

"I-I was told t-to insult y-you or get under y-your skin!"

       I hummed hearings Kills laugh.

"Oh how stupid you are!"

      Kill spoke in between laughs.

"Momma doesn't care about insults and you can't get under her skin!"

      I gave a closed eyed smile.

"Leave or die."

      I glanced seeing him run for his head-literally. I sighed then gently gave each of them a noggie.

"Now then do behave-I'll be off to cause you guys less trouble."

      Hina pouted and hugged me as Kill huffed acting as if he didn't care. I hugged him then gave warm smiles to the other three an turned to walked with Hisoka and Moon.

"Alrighty let's go."

       I lead as we walked back to the group.

"So who did you get~"

      I tossed him my number, he hummed.

"That's too easy for you."

      I shrugged.

"What about you two?"

      Illumi handed me his as did Hisoka.

"Ooo, makes sense."

      Hisoka showed Illu mine as I handed them back as Moon handed me mine.

"Do you know who they are?"

     Moon nodded as Hisoka shrugged, I gave him the look as he grinned.

"I'll just find out~"

      Rolling my eyes I smiled as Hisoka just disappeared with Illu. Huh Illu...I like it...

     I can't believe he went against what I told him. I gave a closed eyed smile as I leaned against the rail, my blood lust flooded the small area.


      I sharpened my gaze as he glanced from where we left her.

"I specifically told you to stay away from my Mother, don't get in her life, don't show any eye for her. That you will stay away from her."

        I glared as he stood blank.

"It was an order from father to meet her."

"You met her now leave my Mother alone."

      Silence fell as he spoke again.


     I narrowed my gaze pulling a card we were neck and neck a card to his throat but he didn't bare no weapon.

"She thinks highly of you-I won't hurt you."

      I stared wide eyed, she changed him, in a good way. His eyes flashed with a sparkle just for a moment I would of missed it if I wasn't having a card to his throat. Pausing I then backed up.

"Hurt her and I kill you."

       With that I walked away, please don't hurt my Mother her and Hina are the only good things in my life.

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