Chapter 1: Silvas Words

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A hum flooded my lips as I stared absently as a few friends erupted into a singing battle with each other. I smiled sipping at my red wine, I don't drink often but when I do it is red wine and I have a high tolerance for it. I've never been a let's get drunk person but today....something felt off and I wasn't in the mood to head home to let Hisoka and Hina take care of my wasted self. Then my phone buzzed, I pulled the object seeing a oh to familiar name.

"Now then what should Silva want?"

I hummed scanning over the message.

Grumpy Cat-Assassin Addition🦁
-Come to the front

I shrugged standing, my black heels with red soles were silent as my tight blood red dress flowed allowing my leg to extend from the slit. My rose necklace bounded from my breast as my rose gold earrings Hina had got me dangled and swayed. Ironically she got it for me for Mother's Day, Hisoka gave me the dagger strapped to my thy. Such troublesome children....though they are both older than me. I raised a brow seeing him with crossed arms glaring at the new guard. The guard was a young boy with lively eyes who held great potential coming from both myself and the Jesture. I leaned against the frame as the group went silent and some quickly left knowing better than to be in my sight. Ah that's right I have yet to introduce myself, pardon my rudeness. But my name is Thorn Cipher I am the last living of my Dynasty and I am the famous assassin Miss Red. I have ties to the Zoldyck's from them training me and to the Lucilfers, my adoptive siblings-Ethan and Chrollo are quite a handful as well. But at least they don't try to rape children, Hisoka, an I know the Morrows for years. I've come to be a parental figure despite my young age along to Killua who I've met only a few times. But he looks up to me and I respect his decisions. As of Silva-he's kinda like a Father figure. You see my actual Father is still alive; but that's another story. Then those lively eyes followed Silva to me, he gulped falling back. Right he's never seen me.

"Why is a Zoldyck standing outside?"

His eyes widened, no one gave him the rules I presume. I sighed and spoke.

"Did no one give you the list?"

He was shaking as he shook his head slowly. I motioned Silva up as he grinned and stood besides me then I threw a paper to him. He caught it an raised a brow.

"Contact me if your confused on who's allowed in. For now relie on who knows my real name."

"W-whats t-that.."

He stammered as I hummed leaning down and whispered lowly.


He gulped then nodded as I backed away, my eyes blank as I took a sip of my wine.

"But for now....Ethan, Jackal, Zinx, Maddi, Ní Ní, Glitch, Amber come in."

The group thanked me and walked in I saw no others I recognized and turned to him.

"That should make things easier."

He thanked me as I turned, Silva besides me as he chuckled.

"It is always impressive to see your cold and demanding aura."

I chuckled as my grin widened, we sat in my signature area. It was closed off to even my siblings-the area is mainly my get away or for business. I took my blood red chair crossing my legs and set a hand to my lap and stirred the wine. Silve took the couch apposing sitting in a more mannish and sloppy manner compared to myself.

"So what do I owe for this surprise?"

He chuckled leaning back his guard down as of mine, we were comfortable around each other. Something rare for the man and myself.

"How about we start it this way, it's more of a proposal suited for both of our interest."

I hummed raising a brow.

"You never boast such a thing in person."

His grin broadened as he chuckled a hearty laugh.

"Hence the importance-now then, we both feel the same of the Cipher dynast ending yes?"

He peaked my interest as I nodded slowly.

"Good, but I will put this bluntly, I want you to marry my oldest. Not just to rid of the Cipher name, but you are very powerful Thorn."

My eyes widened, it's a win win for both of us for sure. I discard my last name, my blood name and I join my family. Sorry big brothers but they just understand me more. Better job opportunities as well. While he gets an air, the family becomes stronger with a demon in their ranks. They get me Miss Red-but...benefits or not. I am selfish when it comes to such a thing, I want love, emotions I've never even met the eldest. I folded my brows and set my glass on the stand next to the chair setting both hands into my lap.

"Benefits or not, and no mean on rudeness, but I don't even know your son. You know my morals Silva and those are important to me.."

He hummed then spoke again.

"I understand but don't decide now, your going to the Hunter exam this year, correct?"

I nodded as he spoke again.

"Then think about it, since Kill left we learned he's doing the exam and so my eldest, Illumi will be going as well. He will be disguised for obvious purposes, here he uses these needles. I've informed him on a woman but said nothing on my intentions just to find her. I ask for you to wear it so you two can attest know each other then decide."

I caught it staring at the silver metal and gold top, I could feel his aura, damn he's strong. I nodded and pulled my hair into an updo bun slipping the needle to hold the locks in place.

"Alright I'll see how this goes, but if I do agree, you must ease up on the reins. On all your children especially Kill-he needs to have friends to reach his full potential."

He folded his brows his icy gaze sharp.

"If you decline then that means you are staying Kikyo is worthless."

He froze his brows folded as he saw what I was imputing.

"That is how much a friend can mean, do you understand."

He hummed then nodded.

"I see what your getting at, alright I'll ease up, now then who will you travel with?"

"Hisoka and his younger sister Hinata or Hina as she calls herself."

He showed visual dislike for those two.

"I truly don't understand how you handle those two."

I shrugged.

"Well I mean they're kinda like my kids in a weird way, that's what we act like, I'm kinda the mother figure they never had and honestly I'm happy I am. They really need it and I won't up and leave them no matter your say."

He grinned and nodded.

"I suspect nothing less."

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