Chapter 3: Tsundera Cat

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I glanced up then grinned, slipping down from the ledge I made my way to Kill. The albino was drinking an orange soda as he carried his signature skate board. He looked up as he's featured turned into a abrupt grin.

"Hey Big Sis!"

     I chuckled ruffling his hair.

"Why if it isn't the Tsundera Cat~"

     He rolled his eyes as he handed me one, shrugging I popped the cap then raised a brow.


"Old fat guy."

      I hummed continuing to drink the poisoned beverage.

"So what have you been doing, I heard from your Father that you were going to the exam-but why?"

       He folded his brows facing me.

"So he found me...wait are you-"

       I shook my head and smiled.


        He nodded with a sigh then spoke.

"I heard the exam was suppose to be hard so why not, other than that just...well nothing. It's been pretty boring and your a hard woman to track down."

      I chuckled ruffling his hair.

"Well I do try, and that sounds fun, we would've met either way. I'm hear with some kids I've adopted-well not legally I'm younger than them...."

     We chuckled as he grinned.

"So you've been with them?"

      Humming I nodded as he grinned, then I was tackled. I groaned seeing Hina. She had her arms wrapped around me glaring at Kill. I sighed and set a hand ruffling her hair.

"Hina your Jealousy is showing."

       She blinked then groaned as I smiled up to Kill.

"Killua this is Hina, one of the two I was just talking about. Hina this is Killua, he's not just a son of a business partner but we're pretty close."

       She mumbled as I gave her the look, she sighed then plastered a smile.

"Nice to meet you Killua!"

      He raised a brow at her fakeness then just stalked off.

"Sorry Kill she's pretty overprotective and likes to claim things like her brother. So she's not found on anyone new around me that she doesn't know. She'll warm up to you, just give her some space."

       Killua grinned and waved it off.

"Don't worry I would honestly be the same way now go ahead and talk to her. I'm going to explore."

      I smiled and nodded, turning I made my way to the pouting Morrow then...those Pins-must be Illumi. I gave a smile once in front of her and the elder sibling.

"Now then, what was that about?"

      She huffed then hugged me possessively.

"I don't want that child takin our momma away..."

     I smiled and ran my hands through her hair noticing Illumi seeming confused at most.

"I'm younger than them, so it seems your Silva's eldest hmm?"

     I spoke the last quietly, he nodded noticing the pin in my hair as I glanced back down to her.

"Kill is like family to me, but no one can replace you and your brother okay?"

       She batted her lashes then smiled hugging me then went to find her brother. I then looked up to him.

"I'm going by Gittarackur, now then what is your name."

So he's told him nothing, nor am I going to remember that name.

"My name is Thorn, ummm I won't remember that ummm can I just give you a nickname?"

His eyes sparked confusion but his general emotion was blank.

"What's a nickname."

My eyes widened as I gave a warm smile.

"Well a name a friend, associate, family or lover gives to someone."

He hummed lowly then nodded, okay his eyes remind me of darkness but there's more than what meets the eyes. He's an assassin and very strong, yet he's innocent in a way. Maybe....yeah.

"How about Moon?"

He gave an approving nod and spoke again.

"So why did Father want us to meet."

I hummed and spoke but before a word fell a scream, I turned my gaze hearing Hisoka's voice, I sighed.

"Well there he goes again."

I mumbled and grinned turning back to Moon.

"Well I can't tell you everything, but mainly it's for us to meet and get to know each other. The details will come in later due to how I see you, simple really. Just be yourself and I'll mostly be around Hisoka or Hina."

"How about you stay with me."

My eyes widened, possessive-can't sat I don't like it. I smiled and shrugged.


Her brunette locks were pulled up by one of my needles, she has porcelain skin with beautiful crimson eye on the left and a lime eye on the right. She wore a red crop top with black skinny jeans a jacket over her shoulders as a gold and blood necklace bounded from her breast. Gloves decorated her arms as the sleeves on her coat were pulled up. A satchel wrapped over her shoulder and breast, how could someone do small have that much breast. How does she know Hisoka, I hated this what it is. Her lips were stained red as she leaned against the wall next to me. She is beautiful, no such a word scolds how brilliant she is. She pulled out a small booklet and was seeming to draw or write. I raised a brow slowly edging to her, she was drawing Kill. She spoke of my brother earlier, they must know each other. My fathers words then rung through my Brian.

'Look for a woman with one of your pins, she'll be at the exam. Be polite, and the son we raised you to be. Her input will change both of your lives at the end of the exam. Listen to her and keep her in your sight at all times. She is also an assassin, much stronger then I. So don't do anything rash-do you understand Illumi?'

'Yes Father.'

       I wouldn't have even noticed her if she didn't approach the sibling. She came in with Hisoka, his words rang through my ears.

'Today I came in with my sister and my Mother, we are not blood related and she is younger than me. Kill, harm, or even piss her off-I will kill you.'

      Protective, she must mean a lot to them. Then a door began to open, she snapped the book shut and glanced up only to pale.

"Damn my shortness."

      She mumbled, I leaned down wrapping an arm under her legs causing her to sit on my four arm as I held her to my height. She blinked then saw the examiner as she ooed.

"Thank you Moon."

        I nodded as she rested her hands on my chest as she listened to him, normally I would've paid attention but for how close she was....she had a small acute nose-does eyes but they were sleek resembling a cat with a slightly sharp jaw and large puckered lips. I glanced away, how does such a small woman have this much breast. She's not even leaning on me yet I can feel them against my chest. My face started to tint in color as she hummed slightly tapping my chest. Nodding I gently set her down, she gave a warm smile.

"Thank you again!"

     I couldn't help the small smile spread to my lips, then I hid it. What is she doing to me..

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