Chapter 6: H-He j-just-

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So we made eggs and now a good portion of people are still here. Heh Hina saved Hisoka's ass by accidentally grappling two. I was humming a soft tune as I made my way to an appointed room. Apparently they had rooms set out and some people have to share because they didn't expect so many of us. Okay....203-204-205 aha there it is 206! I casually opened the door as my eyes widened.

"Hi Moon."

He glanced over then gave a curt nod.

"Hello Thorn, are you my roommate?"

I nodded with a warm smile shutting and locked the door so he could remove his needles. I set my bag in a chair along with setting the heels gently next to it an un-strapped my thy bag removing the dagger from between my breast and lastly took off the black jacket. I glanced to him seeing he was leaning against a dressier pulling out his needles. I shrugged them walked over flopping onto the bed and groaned lowly.

"Damn my back hurts.."

Then again my chest is triple D 34? Yeah I think the waist is 34 while my actual boobs are triple D'S. Then I flinched, my eyes landed on Illumi.

"You said your back hurts.."

I paused noticing his hands rested gently on my spine. Rubbing circles over the bare skin, perks of a crop top. I hummed lowly laying back down.

"Thank you."

I let my head rest as his hands traveled up and down my spine, moving gently and frequent but he was so gentle.

"Of course."

I could learn more of him....I shifted as he found a knot and began to work at the poor muscle.

"Hey Illumi..."

I groaned as he rubbed a very tinder area, he spoke.


His touch seemed softer as his hands gently flooded the area.

"May I ask you some questions..just about you-I want to learn more about you.."

I trailed off a red seeping into my skin, he hummed as I glanced he spoke.

"Well how about I tell you the basics-then you can ask whatever you'd like."

His ebony orbs stared into my mixed orbs-I gave a smile he spoke.

"Well as you know my name is Illumi Zoldyck-24 years old and I care deeply for my family. Especially Mother and Kill, I'm a manipulator user in my nen also an assassin."

I knew most of that discluding his age and relationships to his Mother and Kill.

"What would you like to know."

I then gave a warm smile.

"The little stuff-like what's your favorite color?"

He paused seemed taken aback but spoke.

"Green and Gold."

I hummed and spoke.

"Mine it red black and purple! What about favorite food?"

He hummed in thought.

"I believe it would be that food you had me try in the last exam.."

My eyes widened as my skin turned darker in color as I spoke again.

"Mine is reubens and about flowers?"

He seemed to smile at my utter randomness as I sat up my hands on either side as I just let my legs sit out folding inward. I'm pretty short with an hourglass body too-random but okay. Anyways what was I thinking?

"Red Spider Lily's."

He was leaning against his hand as my smile widened.

"Red roses are my favorite-hmmm biggest fear?"

He paused seeming in thought then shrugged.

"I can't think of one."

I hummed and spoke.

"Well mine is being left behind or being judged for something I'm not. The people I care most about deciding I'm a waste of space. Okay how about what makes you angry?"

His smile stayed through the rest of our conversation as I spouted small random questions. Some he couldn't answer and some I couldn't either. We just talked for hours he even asked some himself which I found fun.


I broke out into laughter, he was telling a story on one of his older jobs he found amusing.

"Wow never knew someone could die like that!"

He grinned agreeing with me-at times it would seem his voice had emotion other than monotone. But honestly his monotone didn't bother me-he's really sweet too. Then I yawned, he did the same we chuckled and shook our heads at each other.

"We should probably sleep."

He hummed as he slipped in next to me as I raised a brow, he seemed lost in thought.

"Illumi? Are you-"

My eyes widened, his lips were pressed against mine as he pulled me closer. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders letting my eyes close. His lips against mine as a soft moan flooded my lips-he slightly bit down onto my lip and pulled it. Gripping my hips and pulled me closer again. I shut my teeth as he continued to kiss my lips constantly-they pressed and pulled until he bit harsher. Then his tongue traveled into my mouth-my hands gripped into his hair as he pulled me onto him. I was straddling his lap as his hands gripped my waist. Then we pulled away, w-wait h-he j-just. My cheeks were darker than Tikki as my arms were draped over his shoulders. His grip seemed to tighten as my breast were pressed against him. He stared into my eyes slightly running his fingers through my loose hair-the pin had fallen out as my long brunette locks flooded against the sheets. Then without a word we laid down our bodies twined together.

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