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'Last day in tokyo... I have to hang out with omi and kenma today busy schedule...'I thought to myself as I head back to lilah's house after I delivered the envelope to coach arata.

"Now... Let's see who are the teams that'll join us"I said as I open the letter.

To: Coach Kurosu
From:Coach Arata

"Fuck.."I cursed under my breath"Should I just open it? I mean this isn't mine"I talked to myself"Ugh! Fine I'll just wait until coach will open it"I said and put it inside my bag.

"Now time to call kenma"

📞Calling Kenma...

"Mhm?"Kenma hummed.

'I'm pretty sure he's playing'I thought to myself and chuckled.

"Its n/n"I said with a smile plastered in my face.

I could hear the computer shut off and shuffling on the other line.

"N/n!"He exclaimed excitedly well not that excited.

"You ready to hang out??"

"Yea, all my games are ready"He said and I laughed.

'Well better prepare myself for gaming session then'


"Kenma!"I said happily as I see kenma leaning in their house door.

"Hi n/n, how as it been?"He asked me.

"I'm fine really, what about you? How have you been these past few months without me?"I said and laughed.

"Life was messed up when you moved bacl to hyogo...."He said.

"No need to be upset! Beside I always message you"

"Yea... But you are okay right?"He asked again.

"I am, kenma, you really don't need to worry about me a lot, my family in hyogo are keeping me safe and healthy that's why you should worry about your self more because I'm not here anymore to take care of my babyyy~"I said teasingly while pinching his cheeks.

"Ok, ok, geez you don't have to baby me everytime"

"Soorrryyy, it's just I haven't seen you in awhile, I just missed you, you know?"I said and rolled my eyes playfully.

"You sure I'm not the only one you missed?"He asked with a little smirk.

"Ofcourse I also miss my girls, lilah and krizler and many moreeee"I said.

"Can you specify what do you mean by many more?"He asked again his smirk getting wider.

"Ugh! I missed my girls, the nekoma team, itaichiyama team and fukurodani team, there! Happy?"I sighed in frustration.

"I'm sorry n/n, I know how much k-"Before he could finish his sentence I clasp my hand in his mouth.

"Ughhhh don't mention it just don't okayyyy?"I said and gave him a-so-called-smile.

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