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Y/n's POV

"Omi! It's just you"I breath out heavily.

'I might be hallucinating'

"Did you mistaken me for someone?"He asked blankly.

"Hmm.. No! Not at all"I chuckled nervously"Uh- this is Suna Rintarou, and suna this is Sakusa Kiyoomi"I said.

"Hmm"Sakusa just hummed after suna greeted him

"Neeways! Do you need anything, omi?"I asked him.

"I just wanted to talk to you"He said.

"Oh-? Uh-well suna, catch you later okay! Byiee~"I said and followed sakusa.

"Soooo.... What do you want to talk about?"I asked him.

We were both behind the gym so no one could see us.

"He's here"He said.

"I knowwww... If that's what you want to talk about I'll take my leave then"I said amd smiled at him.

"No, it's just I don't wanna see you in pai-"

"Omi! How many times to I have to tell you that I don't feel pain anymore..."I sighed and sanitized my hands to hold his"I've moved on okay?"I smiled and kissed his forehead.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"Sakusa Kiyoomi?? Hellooooo Earth to sakusaaaaa"I said while waving my hands at him.


"You said you wanted to talk to me? Tellll me the tea"I said and chuckled.

"He's here with his girlfrie- hoe"He said bluntly.

"Pft-HAHAHA omi! I already told you about my mom before I left tokyou that she doesn't want me to have boyfriends and you know my two idiotic brothers will snitch on me, I will be in BIG trouble if mom finds out"I said and massage my temples.

"Ok... Just try to avoid them I don't want you catching their germs"He said and rolled his eyes while walking away.

"Yea omi! Thanks!"I chuckled.

This is so shortttt lmao! Neeways Bruh I can't believe it's almost 2021😃🤚

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⚠Grammar errors⚠

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