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Okay Warning!! Preggy Reader!!!

Y/n's POV

It has been a year and a half that me and rin are married.

Yesterday I woke up feeling nauseous again and went to the bathroom and when I came back in our shared bedroom that's when I realized that rin left early for practice, leaving me a note on the bed side table.

Had to leave early :( but i kissed you before i left so you won't get upset ;) see ya later! Love you ♡♡♡♡

-Your hubby rin

I have to admit it, rin is really full of himself since the day we got married.

Everywhere we go, he would mention that he's my husband and I'm his wife.

Every text is always "Your husband will be done with practice soon!♡".

In every sticky note he leaves it would always say -Your hubby rin.

One time he got mad at me because his name on my phone is still babe and not husband.

It's kinda cute though.

I laughed at my memory until I felt myself throwing up again.

It has been two weeks and that's when I realized that I missed my period.

I went to a near pharmacy and bought pregnancy test which turned out to be positive.

After a month of keeping it to myself I decided that I should probably tell rintarou about this.

I told rintarou that kita wants me to visit his farm which is true but before that I was gonna stop by at the hospital for a check up.

Now, I'm at kita's place having tea while I told him about the news that me and rin are having a baby.

"Oh! That's good news n/n! Congrats! I'm sure that rintarou would be glad and happy to hear that!"Kita said pouring me tea.

"I know! I really didn't thought about this pregnancy thing but... I think I would make a great mother"I replied and took a sip on my tea.

"Oh you will, before I forgot I wanted to give you this"

"It's a baby fox!?!"

"Yeah... Sadly her mother died and she was left alone but luckily my wife found her and took her to the vet, I wanted to give it to you because I know you have been wanting a fox before"

"Kita! Thank you! It reminds me of rintarou"I said and pet the little fox on my arms. "I'll take care of her don't worry"I said to him.

That's when I had the perfect idea on how to tell rin I'm pregnant.


After a couple of talk, I bid farewell to kita and went back to our house.

"Rin?" I called out while hiding the baby fox in my arm.

I saw him laying on the couch.

"Baby? You're back! How's your talk with kita-san?" He asked as he pats the space next to him indicating me to sit next to him.

I didn't. I instead stood in front of him.

"It was good! But! Did you know that you'll have a mini you running around the house" I said with a huge grin in my face.

He gasped loudly and covered his mouth.

He then kneel and hugged my waist.

"Wait- really?!" He said joyfully while caressing my tummy. "Baby" He mumbled trying not to cry.

"Yeah! Look at this baby fox kita-san gave to me! It reminds me of you rin!" I said trying not to laugh at his dumbfounded face.

He stared at my tummy for awhile and stood up with a small pout on his lips.

"It's cute" He mumbled while he looked at the fox.

"It's a she rin! I'm gonna take care of her until she's ready to explore the wild again"
I said and placed the baby fox on the couch while she's sleeping.

Rintarou then pulled me in a hug and snuggled on my neck.

"I thought was we were having a baby... It's okay if you don't want though I respect that my love" He said and kissed my shoulder.

"Well we are"

He pulled apart quickly and looked at me in the eyes.

"Stop joking!" He stared to whine.

"I'm not!" I replied with a big smile.

He covered his eyes as he starts to cry and sat down on the couch.

"You hear that? I'm gonna be a dad" He said to the fox next to him.

His eyes then widen as he realize.

"I'm gonna be a dad!! You're gonna be a mom!" He yell out in excitement pulling me into his lap and hugged me.

"I didn't expect you'd react like that my love" I replied while giggling.

"Baby I've been waiting to have a baby with you... We've been together since highschool and you expect me not to over react? God- I love you so so much" He said placing his head on top of mine while caressing my tummy.

"And I'm gonna love this baby... I love you three so much"

"Three?" I asked confusingly.

"The baby fox counts as my child" He said and I laughed at him as he peck my lips again.

"I love you too rin... I also didn't expect us to last but here we are"

"You got a lot of nerve to think I'm gonna let you go? No- never"

Sorry if it has typos or grammatical errors or misspelled words.

I don't want kids but just imagining someone's happiness because they're having a child makes me happy 😭

Anyways I hope y'all like this :((

Special Chapter 49 coming soon.

I think special chapters are gonna end on 50? But hopefully y'all like it👉👈

Drink water and stay safe y'all!!!

If you guys want to ask questions just ask me!

Oh I read comments where I think it's chapter 3? Where y'all think that the ex is kenma because all the post is y/n and kenma well I thought that y'all think maybe y/n deleted all her pictures with kuroo which is true that's why the post are all y/n and kenma.

Gosh my English is so bad😭😭😭😭

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