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Yay last one I promise since my birthday is near I want to give y'all a gift so here's another SPECIAL CHAPTER!!!

(Warning: A bit nsfw??? Mentions of fuck(sex) :D

Y/n's POV


"Rin- I have to go now" I said and tilted my head and gave him a soft smile.

"Go later~ I wanna cuddle now" He whined as he crossed his arms.

"I'll leave (daughter's name) to you, okay?" I said and kissed his forehead.

I stood up and fixed myself and grabbed my bag, after that I turned my attention back to Rintarou.

I looked at him with widen eyes as I hurry to his side.

"Now why are you crying!?!" I asked worriedly.

"It's not sad tears- I'm just... I'm really happy that you're mine... I know that I put up too much... Sometimes I don't communicate well with you- sometimes I bottle my feelings and don't talk to you if I have problems- but you didn't get sick of it- of me- I couldn't ask for more... You and our daughter will always be my number one treasures. I'm glad that you're Mrs. Suna and had my child"

I looked at him stuned after what he said and wiped his tears.

"My love- sometimes you need some space too and I understand that, you know I'm always here if you ever need me- we're here for you my love. What you feel is always valid and I wouldn't get sick and tired of listening with your problems. Plus! Why are you saying this stuffs!? Are you distracting me so I wouldn't leave?"

"No- it's just that... "

"I'm only going grocery shopping rin... I'll be back before you know"

"Yeah! I know! It's just that cashier guy- whenever we go shopping there, he always flirts with you if we're about to pay for the groceries- I don't like that guy"

I laughed hard for what he said.

"What!? You said my feelings are always valid" He debated.

"I'm sorry-" I said and stopped laughing.
"Rin- we're married... We have a beautiful child together and besides it's your name I always scream. You're the only man I love and you're the only one I'd let me fuck my brains out" I said with a teasing smile.

"You're changing the topic now huh? Don't mind if I do~" He said teasingly while moving his hand up my thigh and was about to pull me by the neck for a kiss not until our daughter burst in our room.

"Dad! Aren't we supposed to go to the park!? You promised!- oh hi mom!!" She said and jumped on my thigh after he shoved his father away from me.

"I thought you're going to buy me my favorite snacks?" She asked while
tilting her head.

"I was about to sweetie but daddy here wants me to do something else... Could you tell him to let me go so I could buy you your snacks now?" I said while looking at Rintarou.

She gasped offendedly.

"Papa!! Why would you do that! I'm gonna starve!" She pouted and faked cry. "Please let mama go now so she could buy me my foods! Yay" She said now happily as she hugged his father.

"Now! How could I say no to my little princess?" He said and tickled her. "How about... You clean and put back your toys to where it belongs and I'll let mommy go?"

"Okay! Deal!" She replied and hopped off his lap and headed to her play room.

"I swear wherever you are she's always there" He said to me as he pulled mr for a hug.

"Don't act like you don't do the same rin" I said and laughed and hugged him back.

"What? I'm not that clingy like your daughter Y/n! She's there when you're cooking! She's there when you're at the bathroom! She's there when you're typing on your laptop for work! She's there when you're eating! I don't have time for my precious wife anymore!"

I looked up at him and raised my other eyebrow.

"You're litterally clingy like your daughter Rintarou"


"Rin- I'm cooking dinner... Can you stop hugging me?" I asked annoyed while laughing a little.

"A little more" He whispered and nuzzled on my back.


"What do you want now my lovely husband?"

"I wanna join you in the bathroom... Let's save water by showering together" He said, wiggling his eyebrows while smiling.

I throw his towel at him and laughed.

"Gosh! I hate you"

I was about to walk out but he grabbed me by the waist and pull me to his chest.

"You know you love me"

"Do I know that?" I asked and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Yes- Yes, I do- I do love you"
I said and kissed his nose.

(Lmao! Zootopia!!!)


"N/n? Babe? Baby? My love? Love? Angel? Beautiful? Baby girl? My pretty baby! Why aren't you talking to me?" I heard Rintarou whined as I type the last sentence for my paper works.

"Yes, my love?" I asked and took off my glasses and walk towards him.

"I love you"

He said and I chuckled.

"I love you too"

I replied and he pulled me for a kiss.


"I wanna eat-" I heard Rin said while I ate my meal in the dinning room.

"You can have mine if you want-"


He added which made me realize what he said as I felt my cheeks heat up.



"You always have time with me Rin" I said and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Yeah... You're right! I do always have time for you- especially at night~"

"Okay! Let's stop before our daughter comes in again and scold us both for not buying her foods"

"Yeah? Just like you?" He teased.

"Oh come on! I don't cry when you don't get me my favorite snacks" I debated. "I'll leave now... Take care of (daughter's name) I'll be back later, I love you" I said and stood up and grabbed my bag again.

"I love you too... I'll be waiting for you to comeback" He replied with a small smile.

He kissed me passionately before letting me go.

Sorry if I have misspelled words or grammatical errors :(((

I'm sorry if this took awhile :(( I had a fever last week and had an asthma attack yesterday but!  I'm okay now!

Hope y'all doing great and taking care of y'all self!

Have a good day, noon, night, wherever you are make sure you're healthy and safe!

Author-chan OUT♡

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