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Author's POV

The three of them sat on the table.

"I don't wanna eat this... It looks ugly"Rei(suna's little sis) said to suna while glaring at the ramen.

'I've never been sooo hurt in my entire lifeeeeeee'Y/n thought to her self.

Suna looked at rei.

"Rei, you don't have any choice but to eat it. Whether you eat or starve...., y/n is special to me and I don't want you to waste the food she made for you"Suna said to rei.

'S-pecial!?! What does that mean? In a romantic way?? Or in a family way??'Y/n thought to herself as she looked at suna.

Suna then turned his gaze to y/n.

"Why'd you only made two bowls of ramen?"Suna asked y/n.

"Oh! It's because I already ate"Y/n exclaimed.

While rei looked at y/n.... Special?? Y/n is special to her brother??

"Try it rei, it's good, can I call you rei?"Y/n asked the little girl and she responded with a hum.

"Well okay rei! That ramen is my mom's recipe and I think you'd love it"Y/n said to her.

Rei then started to eat the ramen.

"It taste good"Rei mumbled.

"See!!? It is right"Y/n said with pure happiness.


Y/n turned her gaze to suna.

"Eat, I know you're hungry"Suna said while holding the spoon to y/n.

"I told you I just ate, and I'm not hungry!"

"You're always hungry n/n, there's no time or day that you're not hungry"Suna replied.

"Pft- You don't have to say that! And I could feed myself, Thank youu"Y/n whined while suna is chuckling.

Rei looked at them both in admiration.

"Rin... Do you like n/n?"Rei asked bluntly while the two stopped their teasing session.

"Well of course I like n/n... What makes you say that I don't like her?"Suna asked.

"In a romatic way... Just like mom and dad? Or boyfriend and girlfriend"Rei said.

"Uh-? Rin! What time are we heading out?"Y/n asked to avoid the question rei asked.

"Oh-when we finish eating this ramen.. You don't mind rei tagging along right?"Suna asked.

"Nope!"Y/n said popping the P.

"Where are we going anyways?"Y/n asked.

"To my fav cafe and the carnival, rei wants to go there.. If that's okay with you?"Suna said.

"That's okay with me, since I've never been in the carnival for awhile"Y/n explained.

"Okay then, let's go"Suna said.

"I wanna bring teddy... "Rei mumbled.

"Okay let's get your teddy"Suna said to rei as he carry her to her room.

"Let's go n/n"Suna said as he lend y/n a hand.

Y/n looked at is hand.

'Fcckkk!! Why am I nervous! I already held his hands a thousand times!' Y/n thought.

In the end I held his right hand while the other hand was held by rei.

"Here we are"Suna exclaimed as he open the door at the coffee shop.

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