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Y/n's POV

As I entered the house I quickly covered my face with my hands in embarrassment.


I removed my hands to see mom behind atsumu and osamu looking at me with a smirk.

"So~ how was your date sweetie?"Mom asked me.

"Did anything happen?~"Atsumu sasked wiggling his eyebrows with a grin plastered on his face.

"Yea n/n tell us what happened~"Osamu said.

"Nothing much.... I'm going to my room now bye!"I said and quickly run up to my room.

I buried my face on my pillow and muffled my screams.

After I calmed my self down I sat up at the edge of the bed.

"Why?... Why did I kissed him on the cheeks... How am I going to look at him... Shit... We have school tomorrow... I'm gonna see him... Ugh! Why did I even do that?"I kept murmuring.

"It's fine... It's okay... I'm gonna be fine... I'm. gonn.  be. just. fine."

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! I don't want to go to school!!!"

"Why are you being a brat! Let's go!"Atsumu yelled while pulling my right leg.

"We're gonna be late n/n! What's up with ya?"Osamu also yelled while pulling left leg as I grabbed onto the handle of the stairs. (Did I explained that right?)

"No!😭 I said I don't want to"I yelled at them as I wriggle my legs.

*Ding dong*

"Oh! Rintarou is already here!"Mom yelled.

"Fuck!"I mumbled under my breathe as my brothers were distracted I got out from their grip and went back to my room.

Ofcourse to fix my self.... I still have to attend class anyways.

"N/n! Let's go!"Osamu yelled downstairs.

"Okay! Coming!"

"Just.. Just ignore him and pretend you didn't kiss his cheeks last night... Yeah-"

"N/n! We're late!!!"

"Okay! No need to yell!!"

As I went downstairs I saw suna and immediately looked down at the floor to avoid eye contact.

"Damn...wats up with ya? Did something happen?"Osamu asked.

"Hmm... Maybe it's about last night"Atsumu said while a grinning.

"No! I uhm.. we're late! Let's go already"I said and walked pass them.


I ignored suna for the whole day.

Walking away or turning around the corner if I see him near.

Avoiding eye contact while we're eating lunch and leaving immediately.

"shit... Forgot they have a meeting for their volleyball today"I cursed under my breathe.

I sighed and went behind the school building where me and suna would always hangout.

There was this big tree where I alwaysss sleep whenever I wait for my three volleyball boys.

I sat under the three and listened to my playlists.

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