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"I feel like I'm in BL scene, as supporting character."

~Y/N L/N~


N o O n e ' s P O V

Some of people looks at them with weird expression but some mostly girls are staring at tangerine with jealousy, that the hot CEO's and Famous models know the model tangerine's name.

The boys didn't care about around, all their attention is still on Hinata who's modelling in stage like a real model. They feel suddenly heat and their pants tighten when they are staring of what Hinata's wearing, every part of his body like legs, fat ass, slim body, beautiful face, and pinkish lips. They think something inappropriate about Hinata and they also imagining how to ruin that Hinata's wearing dress when it comes to sex.

Ahem----Can someone control their hormones?

Until they realized, Hinata's is not on the stage anymore which means his modeling is over.

"Where did that boke go?" Kageyama frustatedly said while looking around to look for Hinata.

Don't think you can run away from us again. Boys Thought

Y / N ' s  P O V

"Oho? His lovers are already here? I didn't expect that huh?" I said to my self while drinking a wine looking at the boys who just mentioned his name earlier and it was obvious for me that they were so surprised at the same time looking at Hinata with hungry stares.

Looks like Hinata's lovelife going to begin...

Hehehe, but I got an idea...

I smirked of my idea, suddenly the staff approached me where I am standing not far away from the stage.

"Ms. L/N, Mr. Hinata asking us where did you put his clothes since he's not comfortable of what he's wearing." Staff said.

"Oh, really? Then he better get used to it." I said as I started to walk to changing room.

Let the show begin....sorry not sorry Hinata. I just want to see how you're going to handle those boys who's soon to be your lovers.

H i n a t a ' s  P O V

"Damn it, where did Y/N put my clothes? I'm itching to get this dress off." I frustatedly said while looking around here in Changing Room.

Don't tell me she throw my clothes?!

At the same time, I'm so nervous that they see me and also I didn't expect that they were the famous CEO's and some famous models too.

But they looks so damn hot---

No, no, no! This is not the right time to think about that!

I slapped myself as I continued to search my clothes before I caught cold since this dress is too revealing for me.

"Shoyo Hinata~ Runnning away from them is useless~" I got startled by Y/N's voice then I turn around until I saw her smirking at me while standing at the close door.

"Huh?? What do you mean? And where the hell did you put my clothes?" I asked her.

"Well, you don't need them now since I got this for you to wear your clothes. I already got your mom's permission earlier that I'm the one can decide of what will you wear everyday. It's make me excited right now, Hinata." Y/N squealed like a girl as she show me the clothes infront of me that I will wear to change.

Possessive Boys Squad [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now