23 ■ Trap

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"I'm sorry."
~Hotaru Akabane~


Y / N ' S  P O V

*At Grocery, 5:05 pm*

"Hey Y/N, you've been grinning all the time since we came here. You're such a creepy." I heard Hinata's voice while we're walking here Grocery Shop to cashier after I helped him picking important ingredients and also foods or snacks, since at mansion the kitchen is out of ingredients and foods.

"Nothing, don't mind me. I'm really in good mood since earlier morning." I said while pushing the cart.

"And why's that?" Hinata asked in curiousity tone.

"I met Alisa Haiba, Lev's older sister! She's also fan of mine, which I didn't expect from one of famous models of Vougue. I asked her if she could also be my model for one week with Lev. And you know what? She agreed without hesitation and she looks so excited to work with me!" I explained to him and I looks like I'm a little child ready to go for Amusement Park, full of excitement.

"Then I don't need to be model anymore?" Hinata tilted his head with confusion expression.

"No, you're going to model with them but soon." I

After all this problems, you will live peacefully with your lovers and future children...

I already knew their height is too different when it comes to model but...I guess I'll find a way for that.

When we already arrived at the counter, I help Hinata putting every items we took and ready to pay, I was going to take out my wallet until Hinata quickly stopped.

"No need for that Y/N, see this?" He took out 10 gold cards and I noticed his wallet has many more money which make my eyes widen.

Oh my fucking god...

I almost forgot his boyfriends is rich as hell...

"Okay, then." I feel like I don't wanna took out my money from my wallet after seeing that too many cards and money.

Why would his boyfriends give him that much?

It's not like Hinata is going to buy this huge Grocery Shop..

I finally snapped out of my thought when I noticed already paid, then we took the grocery bags and we get out heading to parking lot until we arrived at Hinata's expensive car.

I've been trying to ask this...

"Hinata, how can you have a car? Since when?" I asked him in full of curiousity.

"Uh, it's Kenma, Sakusa, Suna, and Ushijima buy this car for me." Hinata said in a little shy, I got my eyes widen and my jaw dropped.


"Ha? But how?" I said in unbelievable tone.

"They've been arguing the other day, who's going to buy car for me which it's too sudden for me and I don't know the reason why, still they decided to pay half each of them." Hinata explained to me after we put the grocery bags in his car's trunk.

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