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"I want to kill those whoever try to steal our sunshine."
[D a i c h i]

"Oya? Oya? Oya? Who the hell are you trying to touch my Chibi-chan?"
[K u r o o]

"Don't let anyone touch you, I'm the only one can touch those juicy ass of yours."
[O i k a w a]

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't wake him up! He's still tired after I treated him well with pleasure."
[B o k u t o]

"I don't like Shoyo being with someone that I don't know."
[A o n e]

"Choose, you're going to my house or you want to be punished right here?"
[U s h i j i m a]

"That's bad, Mini-Spider. You need to help me with this, it's all your fault for getting me hard."
[T e r u s h i m a]

"You're my sexy muse but damn it I wanna kiss you right now, Shoyo."
[S a k u s a]

"I've been gentle with you but now, you're being stubborn I want to be rough to you."
[S h i n s u k e]

"Shoyo, be careful with your words. I may be little in height but my friend is not."
[H o s h i u m i]

[P o s s e s s i v e  B o y s]


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