7 ■ Rules

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"If you break one of our rules, you'll get punished."
~Possessive Boys~


H i n a t a ' s  P O V

*Another Day, at Y/N's mansion*

I got woke up by the alarm clock, still sleepy and getting annoyed by the sound of alarm as I quickly turn it off. Then I get up and I realized it was still early in morning since it's only 5:40 am.

"I guess I have to prepare breakfast~" I yawned as I stretched my body and do my morning routines.

After my morning routines, I walked to kitchen to prepare some breakfast for them until I saw a sticky note on the refrigerator. I got confused when I saw there's a note then I took the sticky note and read it which I noticed it's written by Y/N.

"Goodmorning, Shoyo~~~ If you read this, don't worry I already leave early so you can have spend your precious time with your future husbands hahahaha!!! Kidding! I have somewhere to go for something important business, so take care of yourself there and prepare for breakfast for your future husbands;)"

I wonder why Y/N would go so damn early like that???

I shrugged it off and put back the note on the refrigerator. I wore the apron then started to put out the ingredients to cook for breakfast foods.

What's Y/N planning to me and my no---them???

Oh shit, I'm such a dummy.....I also likes them.....but what am I really to them???

K a g e y a m a ' s  P O V

"Such a good smell. Where did this smell come from?" I just got out from the comfort room after I did my morning routines.

I think Hinata boke already awake now...

I walked out from my room and I don't mind that I'm only wearing a boxer. When I went to kitchen to get some coffee but I got stopped suddenly when I saw Hinata is cooking breakfast, he was wearing a pajama and apron, I can even still see his delicious ass since his back is facing me and he can't see me since he's busy preparing for breakfast.

"What a nice view, if only I can eat those delectable ass as breakfast." I mumbled to myself while smirking staring at Hinata's ass.

I walk closer to him then I wrapped my arms around his small waist which make him startled a little and he stopped of what he's doing.

"Good morning, Hinata~"I whispered to his right ear then he just got shivered when I licked it and nuzzled my nose into his neck.

Smells so sweet...

"G-g-good morning, K-kageyama." He stuttered which make me chuckled when I noticed his face is blushing.

"Continue of what you're doing, babe. Don't mind me." I seductively said to him.

"O-o-okay..." He gulped twice which make me smirked when he looks like scaredy cat afraid of his master.

I leaned closer to his neck as I kissed it slowly and suck on it, while my left hand roaming inside his shirt touching his flat stomach to his chest.

"Ahh~ K-kageyama. S-stop it, what are you doing?" He covered his mouth trying to hold his moans.

"Hinata boke~ Can't I eat my breakfast now?" I playfully grinned while still back-hugging him.

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