25 ■ Finish

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"Anyway, I don't care if they died."
~Y/N L


H I N A T A ' S  P O V

"Look what we have here, my love. A guests? From what I remember I didn't invite your pathetic boyfriends." Shawn said in venom voice and his grips on my wrist is getting tighten.

I swear his holding is so damn hurt like burn hell...

"YOUR LOVE!!?!??!" My boyfriend yelled in mad tone glaring at Shawn except Aone and Sugawara looking at me with worried face.

"You fucking scum!!!" Sakusa growled, giving death glare to Shawn.

"Let go of OUR Hinata!!!" Daichi shouted.

"Since when di---*Bang* *Bang*" I got eyes widen in scared when I heard suddenly a gunshot to Sugawara's direction who suddenly back away too fast.

How? Where did that come from?!

"Damn you Shawn, are you trying to kill my boyfriends!?" I cursed at Shawn and glaring at him but all he did on his face is smirked at me and my boyfriends.

"Maybe? So that, your boyfriends will die here infront of you as well as I will make you mine forever. Ahh~ Can't wait to see your adorable face when you're begging being in pain." I got terrified of what he said, but I still

I realized it was snipers' doing, means it's Shawn's mens hiding far away from here in beach.

"Oops, that's were your going to stay. If you cross over the red line where you're all standing, you're dead. Bye bye to my love." Shawn michiveously smirked at them while still holding firmly my waist, while me still looking at my boyfriends with too much worry.

I'm really glad he didn't get shot...

That gave me almost a heart attack...

I'm really scared right now...

T H I R D  P O V

Meanwhile, Hinata's boyfriends are feeling full of rage and they want to save their boyfriend as much as possible from the psycho guy.

"Calm down a bit, we have no fight against him." Asahi said with his calm yet fierce expression.

"He's right, I think so many his mens are hiding and surrounding us." Osamu said.

"Where?" Kageyama said in a bit impatient tone, still staring at their boyfriend but at the same he got irritated as hell when he saw Shawn holding Shoyo's waist too tight.

"From building, a corner places or a building far away from us using their sniper guns where they can hide and easily to shoot us." Kenma said in calm tone yet he have dangerous death glare at Shawn.

Suddenly a black expensive car arrived infront of them, as the man get out from the car before walking to infront of Shawn with his smug face.

"Mr. Daishima?" Shawn said in unbelievable tone and he didn't expect him to be arrived too soon.

*So it's Hinata's ex-dad...* The boys' thought

"Did you run away again huh? You fucking coward." Shawn said at Mr. Daishima who's just staring at Hinata who's with his terrified expression.

"SHUT UP, and hello to you my ex-fucking slut son. I'm not surprised you have this many boys to suck you off huh?" Mr. Daishima grabbed Hinata's hair which make him yelped in pain with his almost tearing eyes.

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