1 ■ Him

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"Why do I feel like someone mentioned my name?"
~Shoyo Hinata~


K e n m a ' s P O V

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in." I said while I'm still reading the important documents as I heard the door opened and the person entered in my office which is my secretary.

"Mr. Kozume, here's now the result of our company for the meeting later." My secretary said as he put the papers on my table but I listen carefully to him without looking at him when I'm still reading the papers.

"Okay, you may go." I said then my secretary bowed at me as he left.

I finished reading the documents as I put first on my table, suddenly my phone ringing then I take a look who it was calling and it's Kuroo Tetsuro as I accept the call.


"*pants* *pants* Yoh, Kenma. Still *pants* busy?" His voice is like too much exhausted.

"Yeah, why are you like that? Did you--"

"*chuckled* No way, clear your mind Kenma. Of course I won't do that unless it's him, by the way I'm at gym."

Oh so that's why he's panting...

"So? What do you want?" I asked him through the phone as I tapped my finger on my table.

"Well, wanna go to bar---"

"I declined." I hang up on him as I continued to focus on my work but I look at the picture of him where I put it as display beside my table which he was smiling with me at that time.

*Sighed* I wonder how are you doing now...

K u r o o ' s P O V

I chuckled at myself when he hang up on me.

"As always expected, he declined again." I said to myself while I'm wiping myself half naked and no shirt leaving only black basketball short I'm wearing now since I'm too sweaty after I exercised.

I grabbed my bottle water to drink beside me while I'm sitting on the bench. After I drank the water, I grabbed my extra shirt from my sport bag as I wore it.

"Hey, wanna go out with me?" A woman with great body suddenly came up to me as she seductively looks at me.

"Really?" I grinned looking at her, playing along with her.

"Yes." She come closer to me as she touch my face trying to kiss me but I dodge it.

"Sorry to ruin your dream, I'm not interested to women." I smirked at her which make her embarrassed and back away.

I grabbed my sport bag ready to leave when suddenly I heard someone's familiar.

"HEY! HEY! HEY!" My ear's perked up when I heard his voice.

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