15 ■ Model

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"I'd rather go home now than to wear those black lingerie."
~Hinata Shoyo~


K a g e y a m a ' s P O V


"Kageyama! Why are you---"

"I'm not talking to you Hinata." I said glaring at the guy who just fucking hold our Hinata's hand.

"How long are you going to hold our Hinata's hand huh?!" Atsumu said in irritated tone.

"Hand off, bastard." Matsukawa said in deadly serious tone as he stand beside me.

"Calm down, will you? Do not fight here." Hinata said trying to get off from the guy's grip but I growled when he's still holding of what's ours.

"Who are you? Boyfriends??? Don't make me laugh maybe you're just saying that as excuse huh?" The guy stood up infront of us as he grabbed Hinata's hand which make him stand close to him.

Before I try to talk back to him suddenly I got surprised also Matsukawa and Atsumu, when we already saw Osamu grabbed that bastard's collar which make him let Hinata go.

"Listen here, fucker. No one else can touch HIM, and for your information we are his fucking boyfriends!!!" Osamu said in mad tone glaring at him with his deadly glares before he harshly let go that bastard.

"Aren't they lying huh?" The guy scoffed as if he didn't believe of what Osamu said before he turn around to look at Hinata by asking question which make me annoyed.

"They are MY BOYFRIENDS! Stop making fuss here, will you?!? Get out now!!" Hinata suddenly got mad looking at us.

"Ha! Just wait! I'll make you mine soon, little tangerine." That bastard smirked at us before he left.

We were going to attack him but suddenly Hinata glared at us.

"Hey! Stop it! You better behave now, you're my boyfriends remember? There's still customer here, for god's sake."

Suddenly I smirked of what he said, I love hearing from his mouth saying we are his boyfriends but telling us to behave is a wrong move.

Hinata boke, you better prepare...

"Huh? There's something wrong of what you said." Matsukawa grinned at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't mind that, just prepare yourself Hinata." Atsumu playfully winked at him which make Hinata got more confused.

"Okay? But seriously! Don't barged in just like that! What are you doing here by the way?" He crossed his arms looking at us with irritated face that make me almost scoff as I grabbed his waist closer to me.

"Boke, don't look at us like that. You already know this that we are so possessive of what's ours especially you." I said in serious tone looking at him which make him gulped in nervous.

Possessive Boys Squad [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now