22 ■ Hotaru

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"I wanna hug him all day."
~Sugawara Koshi~


T H I R D ' S P O V

"Tsk!" Y/N immediately shut off her phone on her table as she continued to hack on her computer.

Since Y/N once became a gangster boss for 2 years but now she already retired because of her mission, and she passed her gangster members to Tendo Satori who's still a Mafia Boss so he can do whatever he want to them as long as he doesn't kill her gangster members.

Tendo Satori, love to prank killing when he's too serious. So Y/N just prayed for her gangsters members to surived Tendo's craziness prank killing.

Speaking of that unknown guy who message me...it's been bothering me..and it's so fucking damn annoying!!

"What's with your poker face? Y/N, katakot yang hitsura mo." Y/N heard Kiara's speak but the last sentence she don't understand well.

"For the god's sake, don't speak the language that I don't understand Kiara. Don't make me use Google Translate while I'm damn busy." Y/N said in a little irritated tone before Kiara chuckled at her.

"Alright, alright. Anyway, I gotta help you now before you turn into a dragon because of your expression right now. Did someone annoyed you today except those sluts yesterday?" Kiara get up from the sofa as she turned off her phone before she pulled a chair beside her.

"Nothing." Y/N gritted her teeth, but Kiara wasn't going to believe that easily before she grinned at herself thinking about evil idea.

While Y/N is too focused in her computer, Kiara slowly move her hand like a snake to get Y/N's phone on her lap until she successfully get it then she open her phone without password.

"Ara ara? What is this? Your future boyfriend? Y/N, can I get your number?" Kiara giggled as Y/N got her eyes widen when she saw Kiara already holding her phone.

What the hell...how fast is her hands that she get my phone that easily!?!

"Hey! Stop that!! Give me back my phone! That person who message me is completely a stranger!!" Y/N said in annoyed tone at the same time she got panicked, when she noticed Kiara is quicklt typing something on her phone while she's stopping Y/N to get her phone back.

"Here, thanks me later." Kiara playfully smiled at Y/N as she gave back her phone after she's done with her phone then Y/N quickly see it, what Kiara typed on her phone.

"Just beat me already..." Y/N said in defeated tone like her soul already left in her body.

How the hell Kiara know my contact numbers?! I never told her how many contact numbers I have!

"No need to be mad at me, bestie. It's useless! We're friends right?" Kiara giggled like she won before she start to search something on Y/N's computer.

"Here it is." Kiara entered of what she searched until a picture of place appeared infront of them from screen of computer.

Y/N's expression quickly turned into surprised and looks she's hyper, she doesn't care anymore about what Kiara did.

"This....this is Mr. Daishima's place?" Y/N said in surprised tone.

"Yup, and this is where our mission going to start. His important files are all printed in his private office, so I guess he hired a hacker to delete every detail of him every site that connects him." Kiara explained before she yawned and get up from her chair.

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