The Comet

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Peyton and Lucas had both taken Sawyer to her first day, and as expected, Peyton was more upset than Sawyer was to head off to big kid school. She had a Cheshire Cat grin, and was quick to run off to the playground. After they met with Lauren, thankful that they knew Sawyer's teacher as an old friend, Peyton sighed in relief, and Lucas had to practically throw her over his shoulder to the car.

"She'll be fine, Peyt. Lauren would call us if anything was wrong." She nodded, but said nothing as they drove out to the car storage. "On the plus side, at least you get your first love back today." He nudged her with his shoulder. They exited the truck and headed up to the office for the keys and opened up their unit. "There she is." Peyton said, running a hand over the shiny black Comet. "I'll come back for mine later this week." He said. Peyton pulled the keys out of her purse, settling inside on the red leather. "I've waited four years for this." "Alright. I'll see you at home." He said leaning over to give her a kiss. "Hold on, I want the car seat to pick Sawyer up later." He nodded, leaving to grab it. She started up the car and pulled out, backing up next to the truck and he installed the car seat. "Here, wanna lock up?" She jingled the keys to the unit. "Sure thing." He took them and waved her off.

Monday morning brought a lot of chaos over at Haley and Nathan's home. Breakfast rush, getting Jamie over to the Tree Hill elementary school, Lydia off to the daycare, and Nathan packed and ready to drive up to Charlotte for practice. If anything, they were pros at getting the show on the road in the mornings. She finished cleaning up the dishes and packing up before, heading over to Karen's for a morning help out on the shift. They had recently hired two new waitresses and a new kitchen staff member so she wanted to make sure since neither herself or Brooke took full shifts anymore, that they had it covered.
Once she finished up checking on their new staff, she headed over to meet with Peyton at Tric.

Inside she found Peyton already at work with Mia in the studio, and dropped her bag on the desk, taking a seat. "She sounds great!" She yelled across the studio space. Peyton turned and gave her a thumbs up, before turning back to the notes she was taking. Haley watched the scene, her heart full at the thought of their whole family being back together again. It felt unbelievably right, the last few years were like a bad dream, where they always felt like something was missing - which, it had been. Screen time just didn't compare to the real thing. She rubbed her tiny bump and took a seat, starting on some files for your dates.
Finally, Mia had finished her session about thirty minutes later and they joined Haley in the office area. "That seemed like it went well." She exclaimed, laying her pen down, taking in the duo. "I'd say the inspiration is back. Grey, uninspired cloud is gone for now. How's the bun?" Mia asked, flopping down into the chair in front of the old metal desk. "We're managing. Are you done for the day? I don't mind letting you out on a half day, it seems like you have things back in gear." Mia didn't have to be told twice on the opportunity for a day with Chase. "I knew there was a reason I loved having you as my boss." The younger brunette smirked, grabbing her bag, and guitar case. "Thanks for working so hard today, Catalono! See you tomorrow!" Peyton called after her. "So how is my newest niece or nephew?" Peyton asked, excitedly. "We're really good. It feels nice being able to do this again. Like the most natural thing in world, honestly." Peyton nodded, motherhood suited her so well that it just made sense. "I just can't wait to have another little Scott to spoil." "Speaking of..You're sure this isn't hard for you to have to watch Peyton? We really didn't talk too much after-." Peyton shook her head, holding up a hand. "Hales, I promise you, this is the best news. I'm okay, really. It was hard at first, but we already had Sawyer, I really couldn't have hoped for much else...I mean it was a long shot after how hard her birth was anyway. Please don't let this stop you from being excited in front of me. No eggshells. I'm gonna love this one just like I love Jamie and Lydia." She leaned in and patted Haley's bump. This brought tears to her friends eyes. "I'm so glad to hear that. I wanted to run something by you actually, I was hoping you'd put your artistic side to use and help me out with the babies room?" "You don't even have to ask me twice. Of course I'll help! Maybe we can even get Brooke to help? And by help, I mean supervise with gossip and snacks." They shared a laugh. "Absolutely. This will be good for us all." With that, they returned back to the work they had ahead of them for the day, before long, they had finished up, and it was time to pick up kids.

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