New Chapters & Old Places

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The last two days had been unbelievably amazing. They had more social interaction in the last forty hours than they had their entire four years in Los Angeles. They had settled in nicely. Their home was fully decorated and furnished, Lucas had his office set up to work from Tree Hill, and was tied up working away on the latest novel.
Sawyer was having a blast being surrounded by cousins to play with. She was in love with everything that their home had to offer. The FaceTime call they had shared before bedtime with Karen and Lily, Sawyer just couldn't stop talking about it all. Once Sawyer had fallen asleep, Karen had even made it a note that her granddaughter had never looked so happy. That had left Peyton feeling so giddy that she couldn't wipe the silly smile off her face. Knowing her baby was happy, was all the satisfaction in the world that she needed.

After brewing a new batch of coffee, she poured up the two mugs and headed up the stairs to Lucas's office. His hands flew across the keyboard, in a way she hadn't seen in so long. She entered and placed the mug down next to the lamp. "I guess I don't really need to ask how the writing is going, huh?" He gave her a nod. "It's going great, actually. Here's hoping to another best seller. Thanks for this." He stopped typing to sip on the caffeinated gold. "What will you be up to today?" She leaned against the desk. "Well, I have to go register Sawyer for school, pick up some things in town...I was actually going to stop by the graveyard before I go spend some time at Red Bedroom." His gaze softened at the mention of that last little bit. "You need me to come with? Or I can keep Sawyer here?" She shook her head. "I think I'll be okay. I'm actually going to take her with me, you're on a roll here with the book. No distractions needed, especially since I know she's going to want someone to play with once she finishes that last chapter she's on." She shook her head with a grin. "I really didn't expect any less from her being your kid though when it comes to those chapter book level skills at four." She said. "Yeah well, we have a little smarty pants on our hands. It could be worse." "You're right about that. Alright, I'm going to finish this and head out with her. I'll have my cell on." She tossed back the rest of her coffee, and found Sawyer sitting on the bean bag chair in the corner of her room. She leaned against the doorframe and watched. Sawyer looked up after a moment. "Hi Momma." "Hi baby. You want to get your coat on and come with me to town?" She nodded and placed her book down. "I'm all done with that one now." She said as they walked down stairs. Pulling on their coats, they headed out to the truck. Peyton made a mental note to head up to the storage unit for her vehicle this week.

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