Next stop, Honey Grove!

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"I just can't believe you're leaving." Katie said sadly, as she sat back in the chair facing Peyton's desk. Sawyer was playing on the carpet behind them with her monkey while Peyton sorted her files. "Consider it a gift to you from me, you get to move up from intern level." Wide eyed, the young brunette stared at her. "A-are you serious?" "For sure. Katie you've really proven yourself to me this entire time. I think you deserve this kind of recognition. Besides, I'm not completely gone, I'll just be a few states away doing the same thing I am here. I just need someone overseeing the big things that I can't while I'm in North Carolina. So you, my little prodigy, are going to move up and take that step. I know you want to go far in this business, and I don't want you to have to deal with misogynistic, pervs, that set up hoops for young women like you and I, to jump through to get here. I want you to have what you deserve without needing to shorten your skirt, or undo a button." She said more quietly, with little ears in the room. Katie nodded. "Thank you so much Peyton. I'm seriously so grateful. I promise I won't let you down. This part of the label is going to be so good." "The very best music to my ears." She said as she handed over some contact copies she had made when they first arrived. Glancing at the clock, it was nearly nine thirty. "Alright. I think that's everything. If you need anything at all, just shoot me an email, or contact Haley at the label in Tree Hill. Take care of yourself Katie." The young woman nodded. "You too. Bye Sawyer." Katie said getting up to hug them both goodbye.

Once they were back at the house, and the U-Haul was all packed, she situated Sawyer in the back of Lucas's truck in her car seat. "All set?" She asked, setting the snack bag next to her on the seat. Sawyer nodded and squeezed her monkey close in excitement. "Alright then, let's get this show on the road." She closed the door, and settled herself into the passenger seat. Lucas nodded at her and they looked back at their neighborhood and home once more before pulling out of the driveway. Peyton watched as the busy streets of LA passed by her, and she pulled out her phone. She had been so busy with everything, her phone had been the last thing on her mind.

- 2 Missed calls from Brooke
- 1 Missed call from Haley
- 2 Voicemail
- 7 Text messages

She typed away responding to their messages to let them know everything was fine, after she realized the worry that even she knew was evident behind their text messages to her. "Everything okay?" Lucas asked, sneaking a peak over at her as she manically typed away. "Yeah. Just forgot to answer my phone today. Haley and Brooke were worried that they hadn't heard back." He nodded, his eyes back on the road ahead of them. At the mention of Brooke and Haley, Sawyers head popped up from her book. "Momma, are we gonna surprise them?" "We sure are! Are you excited?" Sawyer nodded. "Uh huh! I did more pictures for everyone! And I did more designs for aunt Brookie!" She smiled big at the mention of her drawings. "Good. I'm sure everyone will love some Miss Sawyer Scott originals." Lucas said. "Miss Sawyer Brooke Scott, daddy." She said proudly. "Right. I'm sorry." He laughed.

After seven hours of driving had passed once they had departed from LA, they were finally hitting their first bathroom break. Sawyer was sleeping soundly in her car seat, the book laying half open on the seat next to her and her little hands clutching an empty juice box.
Peyton had to admit, Flagstaff was very cute. Even if it was mostly desert land. Lucas got out to stretch at the little Conoco Travel center. She had opened the door to wake Sawyer and take her in for their bathroom break. Once they finished, she had pulled out her phone to snap some photos of the mountains behind the station, for trip memorabilia. "Where are we?" Sawyer asked pulling on her mother's cardigan, looking around the area still half asleep from the nap she had taken. "Just stopped in Arizona, we'll be back on the road in a few minutes, just as soon as daddy finishes stretching his legs." "Okay. Can I get back in the car now?" She asked, looking up to Peyton. "Of course, come on." She lifted Sawyer back up into the truck, and settled back in her seat. She turned the keys over and blasted the A/C. Grateful, as the hot Arizona weather was scorching today. As she uncapped her water from the snack bag, Lucas got back in, and they hit the road again.

They were grateful they had left so early in the day, as they were making excellent time, so far they had totaled eleven hours on the road. Stopping off at the 66 Pit Stop in Albuquerque, Lucas had made the request, if only to try the famous Laguna Burger. "Okay, I completely understand why it's a staple here." He said balling up the wrapper from his burger. Sawyer picked at her French fries and Peyton had settled on a milkshake. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." She said finishing off the drink. "You sure you're good with just that, Peyt?" She nodded. "I'm really not feeling too great. Must just be a little car sick. I'll be fine though, we're just a few hours away from Honey Grove for the night anyway. " He gave her a look, but she waved him off. She had never been car sick before. "One final stop off in the bathroom and we're good to go?" Lucas nodded and they headed off into the hallway where the restrooms were.

Quite a few car game rounds, a small stop off in Amarillo, another in Wichita, and swapping off driving from Lucas to Peyton; and they had arrived in Honey Grove early in the morning. Lucas was leaning to the side, snoring ever so slightly. She glanced back at Sawyer, who was cuddling her monkey and deep in sleep. She had located the motel and pulled off. Unbuckling herself, she got out of the truck, to the dark parking lot, and headed into the main office. "Hi there. I'm hoping it's not too late to book a room?" The older woman smiled kindly at her from behind the desk. Placing her knitting needles down on the counter. "Of course not, hon. You just an over night stop?" Peyton nodded and handed her the credit card. "Alright. You're all set." She reached under the cabinet, and handed Peyton the key card, and Peyton's credit card. "Enjoy your night!" "Thank you!"

She headed back out to the truck, waking Lucas and picking up Sawyer out of her car seat. He grabbed their bags from the back, and headed to their room. Inside, he dropped the bags by the door and flopped down on the bed. "Luke, don't you want to change?" She whispered. He mumbled something incoherent, before rolling over. She rolled her eyes and smirked at him, before carefully laying Sawyer down next to him. Pulling off her daughters little converse sneakers and adjusting the spare blanket that had been laying at the end, over them on the bed. Satisfied, she headed over to the small bathroom to wash away the long hours of travel.

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