Dinner at Naley's

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Later that evening, they had finished putting groceries away, and had gotten ready for their big family dinner reunion. Sawyer had insisted on bringing her drawings with them, and so she packed them up, and they were now tucked up in her arms in one of the folders from Lucas's briefcase. They pulled up outside of the house and parked. "Ready?" He asked, squeezing Peyton's hand. "Of course." They exited the truck and headed up the walk way. Ringing the doorbell, they were met by Nathan. Instantly he pulled his brother in for a hug, followed by Peyton, and finally he picked up Sawyer. "Welcome home guys, it's about time." He said, slowing them inside. They followed behind him, as he put Sawyer down. "Uncle Nate! I have something for you!" She pulled out a drawing and handed it to him. "This is great, Sawyer. You know what? So great it has to be on display." He returned to the kitchen and slid an unoccupied magnet atop of the sketch. It was of him playing basketball. "I love it." Haley said coming up behind them. "I have one for you too, aunt Haley." She pulled out another drawing. "I'm kinda bad at instruments right now, but I hope you like it." She extended the paper and Haley picked it up. There she was in crayon pencil on a stage with a mic. "I don't just like it, I love it." She placed it next to the one for Nathan on the fridge. "There. Now everyone can see our future artist of the family in her early years." Nathan said. Sawyer blushed, and then she looked toward the living room where Lydia watched intently as Jamie raced around on the screen as Mario. "You can go ahead and join them. We'll be right out here." Peyton urged her to go on in and play. "Can you give these to aunt Brooke when she gets here?" Sawyer handed the folder to her mother and then stalked off to the living room area.

"How are you guys settling in at the new house?" Haley asked as they sat down in the diningroom. "Well so far, so good. Actually Sawyer has already called dibs on my old room and as she doesn't want to change a thing. So we just set up her stuff we took from LA and she's infatuated with it." "That sounds about right, I mean, she is part you Peyton." Nathan sad grinning. "I think it's adorable how evenly split her personality is between you two." Haley replied. Just as the doorbell sounded and in came Brooke, Julian and the boys. "Hello hello!" Brooke called and she removed her heels and took off the boys coats before they went running in search of the other kids. Julian and Brooke joined them in the dining room. "What a night for all these big surprises, huh?" Nathan said aloud. Peyton looked over at him confused. "You mean us coming home? Is it really such a shock?"
Nathan grinned as he looked to Haley for permission to continue. She nodded. "Actually we have a surprise of our own." "We're pregnant." Haley finished. "Oh my god, Haley! That's so exciting! Congrats!" Peyton said happily. "How long have you been holding out on us, Tutor Wife?" "Well...I'm carrying pretty light so far, especially for nearly four months. We just wanted to wait until the safety zone of the second trimester. You can never be too safe." She said, rubbing her small bump. "Okay. My bets on a boy this time." Lucas said suddenly. "I'll wager on that, Mr Scott." Peyton said. "Ok, I totally want in on this. I'm going with..girl. For sure." Brooke said, and turned to Julian who nodded. "I'm with Brooke on this one. I think it's another girl."
"Two for two. I guess we'll see soon enough!" "What a day. This is so great." Brooke said with a smile. "Alright, who's ready for some food?" Haley asked, heading for the kitchen. They each followed her out to help get things ready.
Peyton reached for the folder on the counter, and carefully slid it in Brooke's direction. "Sawyer wanted you to have these." She  nodded and opened it up to reveal her goddaughters art. Inside were a few more drawings of clothing and some pictures of herself, and Julian with what she assumed were the twins outside of Karen's Cafe. "Well I think it's safe to say you have quite the mini Peyton on your hands, P.Scott. Let's just hope she doesn't have that broody inheritance." Peyton stuck her tongue out in her direction. "Very mature of you." Julian said with a laugh. "Maturity takes a backseat with best friend shenanigans, Baker." Peyton said seriously.

They gathered up plates after their dinner together, Julian and the Twins,  Nathan, Lucas and Jamie headed out to the back where the basketball net awaited. Meanwhile Lydia and Sawyer sat down to color, as the women sat around the table chatting. "So do you think you and Luke will try again?" Haley asked. Peyton hadn't really thought about it much anymore. They had been scared at first, especially after Sawyer, and then they had been. All for about just a week and three days shy of a whole month, before she had miscarried. Haley, having forgotten that call, missed the slight frown on Peyton's face, but Brooke had caught it and gave her hand a squeeze under the table. "Honestly, the first year we had Sawyer. I was almost too afraid to even think of any more, then there was the miscarriage. Although, I wouldn't exactly be opposed to another. What about you Brooke?" Peyton turned to look at her with a curiosity painted on her face. "I mean, I'm always ready for more. I never knew I could love something more than being a businesswoman and a wife. Until I finally got the chance to be a mom." She and Julian had secretly been trying, but it wasn't proving to be easy again. "If it's meant to happen, it will." She continued. "Well. Here's to motherhood, with the best friends a girl could ask for." Haley raised her mug of tea. They raised their glasses to clink.

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