Honey Grove, huh?

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At ten to seven, Peyton was already seated at the island, sipping a coffee and mapping out their route. She wanted to make a few stops along the way of course, because what was a road trip with a four year old, without them. As she listed off their stops in a notepad, staring at the map in front of her, she knew exactly what one of their stops would be. As she stared at the state of Texas, she thought of their high school shenanigans when they had to rescue Mouth and ended up crashing a prom.
Smiling, she added that as one of their main stops, making sure to add a reminder of grabbing souvenirs for the gang back home. So far their first stop would be to pull off in Flagstaff for a bathroom break, again in Albuquerque, keep driving until Honey Grove to sleep, and start driving again until they hit Atlanta, and one final stop off in Lexington and  keep driving through until they were back in North Carolina a two day, give a few hours or so, trip, and she was certain they were going to have so much fun making memories with Sawyer, even if most of the trip was watching highway after highway.

Lucas laid a kiss on the top of her head. "Morning." She whispered, turning to face him for a real one. "What are you up so early for?" He asked, reaching over and swiping a drink of her coffee. "Mapping out our drive back home. I think I have every stop planned right down so that we get there by early Wednesday." He squinted down at the list, and noticed a familiar name. "Honey Grove, huh?" He asked her, with a smirk. "Well, it seemed like a good stop over. We did have so much fun there last time." At this, he laughed. "Of course we did. Well, I think you've nailed it. Listen, I'm going to head into the office by seven thirty, do you need me to grab anything on my way home?" "No, I'm going to take Sawyer with me to pick up the road trip snacks she asked me for yesterday before I stop off at the label. Any requests?" He nodded grabbing his brief case, and fixing his tie. "Anything is fine with me. So you're sure you want to leave the rest of this stuff behind?" He gestured around the rooms. "I just think a fresh start means fresh everything, you know? Besides I'm sure Brooke and Haley will be thrilled to help with the shopping on that part." "Very true. Alright, I'm off. See you in a little while!" With one more kiss, he was off. She folded up the list, and rinsed her mug before putting it back in the cabinet. Leaning against the counter, she looked around the open space. One last moment to herself in the space before she went to wake Sawyer, and get her ready for the long day ahead of them.

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