Busy Mornings

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Saturday brought about a series of manic planning for both Peyton and Lucas. After breakfast with Sawyer, they headed out for moving bins, and to book a U-Haul trailer. They already owned the house in LA, so rather than sell, they opted to use the space for Lucas if ever need for a long trip out for publishing business.

"Alright, so I have labels. Check. Boxes and bins? Check. Mailing envelopes? Check. The trailer is booked. Check. I think we've got just about everything." Peyton said. "Momma, you forgot something." Confusion plain on her face, she turned to face Sawyer in the backseat. "Are you sure?" "Uh huh. You forgot snacks!" She giggled. "Of course I did, how could I forget, my little foodie?" She smiled, turning back around to start the car. "Alright. We'll grab snacks later. For now; we have some packing to do."

Back at the house, they had begun packing up the essentials, realizing they could very well pick up new furniture back in North Carolina. The only real furniture they'd be packing up would be the bedrooms, they agreed not wanting to leave an empty house for traveling. The rest of their Saturday flew by, boxes stacked throughout the living room, tagged and ready to go. Peyton opted for cooking that evening, which was more chaotic than you would think in the middle of quick moving. Yet, once supper was out of the way, Sawyer was bathed and in bed for the evening, she and Lucas had decided to call it an early night. "You know, I'm really excited to start over. It's kind of surreal that it will be in the house I spent so much time in. Like it was meant to be." She turned over so she was facing him. "That seems to be a pattern with us. Things were always meant to be." She stole a kiss and settled in closer to him. "I just can't wait to see everyone's faces this week when we get there. Speaking of this week, I have to let Melanie know Sawyer won't be coming back, and put in my notice at work." "I'll let the office know first thing Monday so they can rearrange things. It's all going so fast, but this is good for us. Get some rest Peyt. I love you." "You're right. I love you too, Luke."

Morning came much quicker for them when Sawyer launched herself onto their bed from the bench seated at the end. "Morning morning morning! Can we leave? Is it today?" Lucas stole a glance at the alarm clock next to the bed; the bold red letters reading five in the morning. "Not today, Sawy. This week. What are you doing up so early, baby?" "I was too excited! It feels like Santa's coming." She couldn't help but laugh at that. "Climb on in, it's still early yet." Peyton pulled back the covers and laid on her side, so Sawyer could settle between herself and Lucas. "So it feels like Christmas already, huh?" Sawyer nodded, her wild bed head of curls tickling the side of Peyton's face. "It's not going to be too many more days before we hit the road and you'll get to see everyone though. Think you can hold on just a few more days?" "I guess so Momma. But not too many right?" "No, not too many." "Good." Sawyer snuggled in close to her chest, and not too long after they were asleep again.

Nine o'clock rolled around and they were out of bed with Lucas cooking breakfast, while Peyton got Sawyer and herself ready for the day. "That smells amazing." Peyton said as she entered the kitchen. "French toast special." She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head against his back while he continued to cook. Sawyer came down the stairs with her hands full. A book, her favorite barbies and her purple monkey she had since her first birthday. A gift from Brooke, and Peyton had remembered Brooke buying for baby Angie so long ago now. She laid the book down, and sat the barbies and monkey across from her. On the little craft / snack table in the kitchen and sat down. "Alright, I'm going to put on the coffee. Sawy, orange juice this morning?" "Please and thank you, Momma!" She nodded and turned for the lidded Disney characters plastic cups they had bought their trip to Disneyland they had taken the year before. "Momma? Can you put it in Belle's cup please?" The cup was so used at this point, the pictures on the side were starting to fade from it being her favorite Princess. She filled the cup up and placed the yellow straw in and brought it over to her, before prepping coffee.

After breakfast they had spent half the day at the beach near their house seashell hunting, and watching the waves. They returned home for the afternoon, Peyton had brought over some lunch for Mrs Greene and let Sawyer say goodbye, after assuring Peyton she would keep an eye on the house.
At bedtime, while tucking Sawyer in, she looked around the nearly empty bedroom as things finally hit her. They were really doing this. "Night bug." She said as she switched on the nightlight, and closed the door behind her. What a good note to end on. Things would be finalized at work tomorrow, and they would hit the road after Lucas had his schedule moved around, and she said her goodbyes at the label.


These next few chapters are a little short, but I'm just kind of flipping through until they get to Tree Hill, and they'll be longer!

Reviews are much appreciated XOXOX

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