Basketball babies

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Haley had ended their work day with Peyton and picked up Jamie from school and Lydia from the daycare before heading home. Unpacking the car, and picking up Lydia she entered the house, Jamie rushing past her. "Easy, mister. What did I say about running around inside like that?" He stopped in his tracks, hand on the doorknob of the patio door. "Sorry mama. I'm just trying to get to the nets." She placed Lydia down on the play mat, and stood, hand on hip. "Well, I know you didn't have time to finish that awfully heavy looking backpack full of what I can only assume is homework." He hung his head. "Please just a half hour? I promise I'll finish it later!" Those big blue eyes now looking back at her. "Hm. Okay, half hour, but then it's homework and supper. Understood?" "Thanks mama! You're the best!" He said exiting the house. Not even a moment later she could hear the basketball on the pavement. Shaking her head, she looked down at her toddler. "What are we gonna do with that brother of yours?" She laughed. "Dunno mama." She giggled, turning her attention to the old basketball net they had bought for Jamie when he was her age. "I'm surrounded by basketball fanatics." She said to herself with a smirk. Just then, her cellphone began to ring. Fishing it from inside her purse, Nathan's picture flashed. "Well speaking of basketball fanatics." She said into the phone. "Hello to you too, Hales. How are my little prodigies?" "We're all fine. I swear though, I'm seriously out numbered. You better hope this next one is on my side of the tracks. Basketballs will be hidden." She laughed. "Understood, loud and clear. Our next practice doesn't start for another few minutes so I wanted to check in on you. You feeling alright?" "It's sweet of you to worry so much, but everything is fine. I'm basically a pro now, you know. Will you be home by the weekend?" "Absolutely. Game night Friday, and I'll be in the car first thing Saturday. How was your day at the studio?" "Actually it's funny you should ask. I swear, Peyton coming home was like magic. Mia hasn't written anything original in two years, and she and Peyton started on a new album already. It's like this weird fix." "Well I'm glad it's working out. How was she anyway, after the whole new Scott on the way I mean?" "She says she's fine with it, told me no more eggshells around them. That Sawyer is more than enough for them, it's weird you know. She won't talk about it..but I'm not going to push her on it. If she says she's okay, she'll talk if and when she's ready. It's just not like it is with Luke, he called me right away, talked it out. Healed, even. But's like it didn't happen." Haley pulled out the things she needed for their supper as she listened to Nathan sigh. "Well we know that won't ever change with her. She's always been closed off when it comes to the deep stuff, Hales. We'll be here for her. And who knows, maybe her and Luke will be able to try again now that they're home?" "Yeah, maybe. So this weekend, I was thinking, we get a sitter and we just take a night for just us?" "Mrs. Scott, are you asking me out?" "If that's how you want to look at date night, sure. So is that a yes?" "It's always a yes when it comes to you. We're about to head into the gym, I'll call you tonight! Love you." "Love you, always." She ended the call, and started supper.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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