This is our house, this is our home

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A couple of snap shots on her phone, a stop at a souvenir shop, and about nine and a half hours of driving later, they stopped off in Birmingham for supper. Peyton was going to take over the next seven hours left of their road trip, and by calculations, they would be there early Wednesday morning as planned. She had called ahead over their meal to book a hotel since they wouldn't be able to get into the house until later Wednesday.

Sawyer was a lot easier to handle on the long drive then they had anticipated , and were beyond grateful. She had either slept, or read most of the way there, leaving Lucas and Peyton with plenty of peace and quiet. Peyton had still not been feeling great, but kept it to herself for fear of another Lucas Scott stare down, as he tried to urge her to give him the full story. However, once they swapped and she was driving, it settled ever so slightly. The drive was long, and she was exhausted by the time they had ended their road trip.

Finally settling into their hotel for the night, making sure the U-Haul was secured, and tucking Sawyer into the hotel bed. She stepped out onto the balcony and breathed in the North Carolina air. It was quiet, something she hadn't experienced in so long when standing outside to get some fresh air. Behind her, Lucas had joined, wrapping her up in his arms. "It's late. You should get some sleep so we can move in later." He whispered. She leaned back against him and just took it all in. "Yeah. I just needed to really be here. Tomorrow's going to be a little busy, and I just needed this." She looked out over the street lit area. "God, I have missed this place so much." Tears formed in the corner of her eyes. "We're back now. That's what matters." He gave her a kiss before sliding the glass door back, and stepping into the room. She took one more deep breath and joined Lucas and Sawyer for a good nights sleep.

The sun shone through the balcony doorway of the room, awakening Peyton. She had never been a deep sleeper. It was nearly nine am when she looked at the alarm clock on the beside table. Lucas rolled over and looked at her. "You ready to be in our home today?" He asked. Nodding, she looked down in the middle of them, where Sawyer was still sound asleep. "That last bit of driving must have really tuckered her out." "Hey Sawy, it's time to get up. We have to move into the new house today." He said. Facing him, she opened one big blue eye. "It's time for real?" "It's time, for real. Are you ready?" She bolted up right, nearly head butting Peyton in the process. "Woah there, little bull in a China shop. We're not in that much of a hurry." Lucas laughed. "Of course we are Momma! We have to move in so we can go see everybody!" She said loudly. She pushed herself off the bed and came around to their suitcases. "Come on! Come on! No lates today!" She squealed, as she struggled with the zipper on her suitcase. Peyton let out a laugh at the antics. Only their child would be this rambunctious so early in the morning. She eased herself off the bed and helped Sawyer with her bag. Changing out of their pajamas.

They grabbed the continental breakfast, and packed up to stop at the realtors office. Inside, Lucas had sat Sawyer on his lap, and he and Peyton signed the rest of the documents for the house, had their keys handed to them and given Marie's card in case of any emergencies before making the drive over to Peyton's childhood home. They stood outside the old brick house and took a moment. "Can we go inside?" Sawyer whispered, not quite understanding why they were just standing there. "Yes, we can go inside. Oh, Luke. Before I forget; we still have the cars in storage. Should we pick them up today?" She asked, unlocking the house. "Maybe later this week, when we're settled in." He said, dropping the first two boxes on the entrance floor. Sawyer bolted up the stairs to see the bedrooms, as Peyton leaned into Lucas. "We're finally home." She said. "That we are."

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