TRIC-y Business

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Peyton let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding as they drove up to the gravestones. "Momma, what is this place?" Sawyer asked with an inquisitive gaze. Peyton let go of her grip on the steering wheel and turned around to face her. "This is the graveyard and we're going to visit some very important people today. Do you remember daddy and I telling you about grandma Anna, and grandpa Keith?" Recognition to what Peyton was saying was plain on Sawyer's face. "And grandpa Dan?" Peyton nodded. "Exactly. This is where we laid them to rest when they went to live in heaven." Sawyer nodded in understanding. "But we can talk to them?" "Absolutely we can." "Okay good." She unbuckled herself from the car seat and her and Peyton exited the truck.

Peyton lead her to Anna's gravestone, and she kneeled down, hugging Sawyer close. She touched the gravestone in front of her, tracing Anna's name.
"Hi. I'm sorry it's been so long since I've been here to have our talks. But I brought someone to meet you. I know you've been watching over her for a long time, so it seemed like it was a good time to let her say hello." Sawyer looked at her mother and then back to the stone. She stepped forward and mimicked her mothers actions. "Hi grandma Anna. I love you." Peyton wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and stood up. "We had such a good road trip back here mom. I'll be back to visit more often now, I promise. I love you. Say hi to mom for me, mom." She whispered that last bit, the very same way she had when Ellie had passed. She placed a kiss on her palm, and pressed it against the headstone.
They paid a trip to both Keith's and Dan's headstones, before leaving for their errands of the day.

They did their grocery shopping, before driving over to TRIC. She and Sawyer climbed the stairs to the bar. Chase stood behind the cabinets drying glasses, before catching her eye. "Hey there stranger." "Hi Chase, Haley here?" "She's inside the office." He gestured to the side doors. She thanked him and made her way over, peaking in.  Inside, Haley was perched on the corner of the old metal desk, chatting away to the office's two other occupants. "So I was thinking for my next album-." "Another Mia Catalano 1#? Well I know I'm glad I'm here now." She announced her presence. Both Chris Keller and Mia turned around at the sound of the new voice. "Oh my god. Peyton?!" She yelled, and got up to rush toward her. "And baby Scott." Sawyer smiled. "I'm no baby anymore, Mia." She said matter of fact. "No I guess you're not, huh? A big girl now. How old are you, twenty one?" Sawyer giggled. "You're so silly. I'm almost five!" She said. "Well well well. Look what the cat dragged in." Chris said approaching the duo. "Keller, you haven't changed a bit." She gave him a one armed hug. "The offspring is cute." He noted. "Thanks." She said with a laugh. "Well, catch me up on my two musical geniuses." She said, taking Sawyer's hand having a seat. "Oh there really isn't much, yet. Are you here visiting?" Mia asked. "Actually, they're here for good." Haley cut in. "And since our boss is in, I'm hoping she'll get through to you both and help produce? I won't be able to be in the office much longer." Peyton jumped at the opportunity almost immediately. "Of course. I'm always here for a new album. Keeps us all employed after all." "It's settled then, you're back with us on Red Bedroom." Haley said.

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