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"They say we should read it...I think it's called...-"


Boscha had just joined the voice call and the second she did, she ear raped everyone in it with her screeching. Amity almost fell out of her chair from the shocking and surprising sound Boscha made.

"W-what the hell..."

A curse escaped Amity's mouth, when she didn't mean to say it. She quickly realized what she had blurted out and tried correcting herself.

"What the heck. What the heck."

"Yeah, nice save idiot."

Boscha's voice irked Amity once she spoke. She sounded serious but, the voice crack in between the weird noise Boscha made once she joined the call and her quick change in tone, settled down the tense feeling rushing through Amity's body...

"What do you want Boscha...?"

Amity slowly asked, going into discord and checking the call quietly, ready to mute Boscha if she said anything embarrassing or stupid.

"Hexy Hex, can we go into a private call together for a sec?"

Boscha's tone was now more...serious and stern. Amity could feel her heart start to pound in her chest but, she kept her cool, moving into a private call with Boscha to who she presumed to have a genuine talk with...

"Is everything okay Boscha? Did something happen to you or someone...?" Amity asked hesitantly, cautious of her words just in case it triggerd her dear friend in any way...



The call went quiet between the two girls and the more quiet it was, the more anxiety started to fill Amity's mind.

Why was Boscha so silent? Why did Boscha randomly interrupt her call with Luzura? Most of all...why did Boscha sound so serious...?


Amity's soul left her body as she listened to her friend completely break the serious act she put on, and laughed at Amity for a few minutes before calming down and sighing, with a few snickers escaping her mouth as Boscha took deep breaths.

"P-phew...y-you...I cant...-"

Boscha could barely even speak since she found the whole situation funny to the point she couldn't form complete sentences, while Amity....

"I hate you."

She left the call without another word. Her cheeks were burning up from embarrassment and annoyance. Amity hated being teased, and Boscha knew that. Amity knew that Boscha was gonna tease her about the little "incident" for the rest of her life..

Amity shook the thought of teasing off, then navigated her way back onto the call with Luzura in it and returned with a heavy sigh escaping her lips.

"You alright Hexcate? Did something happen with you and Boscha?"

The curiosity and worry in Luzura's voice made Amity smile with joy. She loved how Luzura worried about her...that Luzura cared about her. She liked the warm feeling that rose in her chest, and how it relaxed all of her muscles, putting them at ease.

"Yeah everything is fine! Boscha was just...teasing me."

Amity sighed at the thought of it once again. Every time Boscha teased her, blush rushed to her cheeks and her entire body went stiff, then Amity would usually yelled at Boscha telling her to shut up but, Boscha would be too busy laughing her ass off at Amity's reaction to answer her. Even though Boscha teased Amity a lot, Amity still liked her and she holds a very special place in her heart...

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