16 - Glowy Thingy

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The next day I was in wood shop class. just wanted to try something new. I find Peter. "Hey Peter!" He turns around, trying to cover whatever he was hiding, he sighed in relief. "Oh h-hey, Y/n" he turns back to the table, "Whatcha got there, woah-" I look over his shoulder and see this purple Glowy Thingy.

"What is that?" I tried to get a closer look, "don't know, but remember those guys we fought last night?" He looked over at me "Yeah, why?" He turned back, trying to remove it from something else. "I think it's the source of those high tech weapons" I jerk up "Wait! Really?!" I exclaimed "shhh" he really just shushed me "right, sorry." I apologized "from the scene last night, I found it lying on the ground." I looked at the glowy thingy "Cool." I look at it in awe "Hey, thanks for bailing on me" I see Ned, Peter hits the source with a hammer, it helped "Sorry, something came up." I moved to the table on the other side, I don't want to tell Ned anything yet.

Ned looks down at the thing "woah, what is that?" Peter continues to try to remove it. "I don't know, some guy try to vaporize me with it." Ned looks up at Peter, "seriously?" Peter keeps focus. "Yeah." He sighed "Awesome." Me and Peter look up at him at the same time. "I mean, not awesome, totally uncool that guy, so scary." I try to hold in a laugh, and just look back at the glowy thingy. "Well look, I think it's some power source." He grunts, as he removed a few more parts from the thing.

After a bit more of there conversation, I tuned out. Peter took one finally swing and made a loud noise, we all looked over to the teacher, he was just focusing on something else, not caring. "keep your fingers clear from the blades" what a bad teacher. "You have to figure out what that thing is, and who makes it." I spoke, Ned looked up at me "Y/n?" Oops, I wasn't supposed to speak "did you listen in the whole conversation?" He asked "y-yeah" awkward. His eyes go wide "uh-" Peter cuts him off "She's Spider-Girl." I whip my head towards him "Peter!" I raised my voice "and she's not from this universe." Ned looked like he was about to faint "Don't freak out! Peter! We made a promise!" I whisper shouted "Sorry," he looked at me apologetically, I turn away crossing my arms over my chest, clenching my jaw.

"Uh, let's uhm, go to the lab after class and run some test." Ned try's to cool off. They start to do there handshake, nerds-
Wait, I'm a nerd too, idiot.

After class Ned tried to ask questions, but I stopped him, "I'm not doing this again."
But that didn't stop him. "First, I say we put the glowy thingy in the mass patron." Me, Ned, and Peter we're walking down the hallway, Me in the middle. "First, we have to come up with a better name than glowy thingy." Peter spoke "purple vaporizer!" I shout out, they both look at me. "What? It's something." I look at both at them.

Just as were walking down the hall we see two men come from the corner. One of the guys is from last night. "Crap!" Peter whispered. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the nearest corner with him. I realized I was really close to him, like, my face in his chest close. I quickly pull away, "oh, look, the floor looks so interesting" I can feel my face heat up. Peter clears his throat, trying to forget what just happened. "Comeoncomeoncomeoncomeon!" Peter signaled Ned over, he saw the whole thing. Ned looked around awkwardly, and wobbling over to us.

Peter peeps his head out from the corner, than Ned below him, than me at the bottom, since I'm the smallest, I guess. We pull back. I lean up against the wall, my breath quickens. "Hey, That's one of the guys that tried to kill us" he pulled Ned back. "What?!" I look back over the corner. "Yeah." I let out a sigh, "We got to get out of here." Ned whispered "No, no, no, I got to follow them, maybe then can lead me to the guy that trapped her in the lake." He whispered back. "Someone trapped you in a lake?" Ned looked at me. "Yeah, it was not fun." I told him before looking back over the corner.

The two men enter the wood shop classroom. Peter takes a step "Peter!" I whisper-shouted "no, you guys stay here." He took another careful step, I took one. "Peter!" Me and Ned said in sync. He pulled his hand out telling us to stay. Peter got closer once we hear a knock on the window behind us. I jumped, I can get jumpy sometimes. I look in the room to see another classmate "what are you doing?" He asked "nothing." The kid let out a "Oh" Ned tried to play it cool "yeah, you good?" He put his arm on his hip "Chess."

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