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"What's this?" I step forward, cautiously. "Am I-? Am I supposed to go through?" I take another step. "I don't know if I should. But what if it's something I'm supposed to do and if I don't, then I'll die?" I question myself "you're being stupid y/n! No! What if it's a trap?!" I exclaimed, to myself. "I'm not gonna do it!" I turn away, crossing my arms over my chest. "But- I can at least check it out. Right? That won't harm anyone." Slowly stepping forward towards the portal. "Hello!" I shout through the portal. Head through the portal, but the rest of me was still in place. When I looked through it looked like the same alley way I was in. I scanned the end of the alley way and it seemed to look the same. But, brighter? It was dark outside, but there was much more light. "Maybe this portals harmless." I assumed, but this moment changed my life. I decided to slowly enter my left leg through, I nodded "No y/n! This is stupid!" I yelled, to myself, yet again. I was about to step back but, the portal was closing! I had no choice but to jump forward. I roll down on the floor. Onto my butt, watching the portal close. "No no no!" I leap forward to go through, but it was too late. "Damn it!"

I'm stuck here.


I had spent the past 5 minutes looking for a way back, in the same alley. "Well, what am I supposed to do now?" This just sucks.

I leave the alley way. "Maybe I'm still in the same universe, maybe it's just, a bit different?" It sounded more of a question. I see a few people walking. "Maybe I can ask for help!" I suggested. I walk up to a lady, she seemed like she was maybe in her mid 30's.

"Hi, uhm, I need some help." I said sweetly. "Spider-man?" What? "What? Who's Spider-man? I'm Spider-Girl." I pointed out. "Uhh, never heard of you." She says looking me up in down. "Really?- that- that's not important right now. Do you know if Tony Stark is in town? Please tell me you know Tony Stark." I hope I'm not in the wrong universe. "Oh, yeah! I think his at the tower." She pointed to the Avengers tower. "Okay, thanks!" I walk off, climbing up a building.

It took me a bit time to get to the tower, but not to much, swinging is faster then walking, thank goodness I'm still in my suit.

Right now I'm standing at the entrance of the building. "I hope his here." I step forward, knocking on the door. "Inform yourself" A robotic voice was heard. "Uhm, I'm-I'm Spider-Girl." I look around for the source of the voice. "I do not recognize your facial recognition. May you please, remove your facial coverings." The voice spoke again. "I-I can, but n-not in public." I stuttered out. "I will have to alert the people in the building." I hope Mr. Starks here. "I-I actually have to speak with Mr. Stark, you see I-" I was cut off by sirens coming from the inside.

They went off for a while before shutting off. "State your name." I hear a voice, sounded human "Mr. Stark?!" I look up to see a camera looking down at me. "No. It's Happy Hogan, Now who are you?" He demanded "uh- it's me Y-Y/n." I look directly at the camera. "I don't know any y/n." He responded "you do. Listen, I need to speak with you, uh-can you let me in plea-please?" I pleaded "No." he said firmly "Please I need to speak with Mr. Stark, I'm thinking I went through a portal I shouldn't have gone through, your the only person I can talk too." I pleaded again "Wait! A portal?" I heard another voice "Let her in! Let her in!" The same voice shouted, I heard Happy sigh "Fine." I hear a buzz, I whipped my head to the door. And entered.


"So, your saying you think your in the wrong universe?" Tony asked. I was seated on a table. "Y-Yeah." I said nervously. "Why would you think that?" He didn't seem believe me."I- well, I saw a portal, went through it, asked for help, but the person didn't seem to know me, but everyone knows me, I'm the superhero of Queens, and another thing, you don't remember me, but you recruited me for the fight against yourself and Captain America, and also you made my suit." I pointed down to the suit "I recruited someone else, and he isn't female." He nodded "In my universe, you did." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Take off your mask." He demanded "I- I don't think that's a good idea." He cut me off, at least acts like the same Tony Stark I know "Take. It. Off." Scary Tony.

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