28 - next time I see her

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peter's p.o.v

The cool breeze hit my face, I was able to breathe now.

I wasn't going to let me guard down now.

I turn to see him sitting on a billboard...waiting.

y/n's p.o.v

*time change to chapter 24 - Jealously picking up where we left off*

Am I hallucinating?

Is this a dream?



I pull my earphones from my ear, tilting my head.

The portal look different this time, darker?

I had a feeling as if I had to go in, a gut feeling that someone was hurt...or worse.

I was debating weather I should go in or not.

What if it's not the same one and I have to do this all over again?

I was about to turn away when I heard screams.

I quickly turned back...they were coming from the portal.

It sounds like Uncle Nick and Sam!


I sprinted and jumped in before it could close.

peter's p.o.v

*timeskip to after the fight because I'm lazy and my writing sucks*

I sat their looking over the view of the fire I was just in.

I'm exhausted, In pain, cold, and of course starving.

I left the scene, swinging back home hoping May wasn't awake.

I open my window, crawling in.

I took a quick shower and changed into pj's.

On my way back to my room I grabbed leftovers from the fridge and ate before knocking right out once I lied down.

*The next morning*

I woke up to my alarm and shut it off before debating to stay in bed for five minutes or getting up and not get yelled at May.

I ended up getting up just to quickly change and get ready for today.

I left the house eating breakfast. Walking to the subway.

I found myself kicking a pebble. I kicked a bit too far and went after it, I was about to kick again and noticed earphones.

They looked like y/n's.

Maybe their someone else's.

I go down to grab it so I could examine it, I see the pink nail polish at the end of it... their definitely her's.

She probably just dropped them, but I had a really bad feeling...really bad.

I tried to push away my paranoia and just stuffed her earphones in my pocket.

I'll give it to her the next time I see her.


Don't get mad at me for having a life
I'm sorry I haven't posted in forever
I forget this shit existed
But uhhh y'all.. Spider-Man Nwh 😳

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