22 - I just wanted to be like you

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We sat on the nearest roof top, watching the helicopters and boats surrounding the Ferry. "This is my fault Peter, I'm sorry..." I apologize, I don't know why. "If I got that last target then we wouldn't have have have gotten in trouble."

"Y/n can you please not, just please stop apologizing and just go away" I look over at him, he's frustrated "Peter-" he looks up at me making eye contact "just go away!" I didn't move, "he didn't mean to shout, his just upset, right?". I told myself, moving away from my seat.

At that moment Iron Man made it to the roof. "Previously on Peter's and Y/n's screwed pooch," he hovered over the roof. "I told you both to stay away from this" I sighed "instead, you guys hack a multi-million dollar suit to sneak around behind my back doing the one thing I told you not to do."

"Is everyone okay?" I spoke up "no thanks to you two." Peter turned from his spot "no thanks to us?!" And he hoped off his spot. "Those weapons were out there and I tried to tell about it," he walked towards him, and Tony slowly started to lower down to land. "But you didn't listen, none of this would have happened if you would just listen to me!" He lets out a low chuckle "if you even cared you'd actually be here."

The suit opens to reveal an not so happy Tony Stark, he walks forward and Peter flinched back. "I did listen kid, who do you think called the FBI? Huh?" He kept walking and Peter kept walking backwards. "Did you know that I was the only one who really believed in you," Peter stayed quiet "everyone else said I was crazy to recruit a 14 year old kid." Peter corrected him "I'm 15-" Tony's voice raised "No. this is where you zip it! The adult is talking"

"What if somebody had died tonight, different story right? because that's on you." He continued "and if you died," he paused "I feel like that's on me."

"I don't need that on my conscience..." "Yes sir, I'm sorry- I'm sorry." Peter apologized. "Sorry doesn't cut it..." He told Peter "I understand...I just- I just wanted to be like you." "And I wanted you to be better."

Peter looks away "okay, it's not working out, I'm gonna need the suit back." He pushed it "for how long?" I step forward "forever." He finished "No no no, please please please..." "let's have it." He isn't giving him a chance. "You don't understand! I'm nothing without this suit!" He pleaded "if you're nothing without this suit then you shouldn't have it, okay?"

Peter didn't say a word "God I sound like my dad" Tony added. "Mr. Stark he didn't do anything it's my fault, I take the blame." I stepped in "I know that's a lie, but you encourage him, so I'll take yours too." "Mr. Stark leave her out of this, I dragged her into this, now let her out." Peter didn't want me to lose my suit too. "Your both did this, now it's time to pay the consequences."

"I don't have any other clothes." Peter said. "Okay, we'll sort that out."


Another short chapter, wassupp

Song: Space Song by Beach House

Word count: 560

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