13 - Book Worm

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It's been a week of me living here, and I absolutely love this place. I just hope school might be good too. I stood up almost all night worrying how I'm gonna get back home. But I've been doing that ever since I got here. Now I'm going to school today. I'm wearing a black & white plaid skirt, with a simple gray shirt, and over that I have a dark gray sweater. (I also had some white converse on) I think this might be a good first-back-day-to school outfit. "Can you take the subway?" Jamie asked "yeah, it's no problem." I gave her a soft smile "great, because I need to start getting to work earlier." She put her dishes in the sink "See you later, honey" she waved "bye." I waved back. After my breakfast I put the dishes in the sink. I took a moment before deciding to wash all the dishes.

The train ride wasn't bad. I've had worst. But I finally made it too the school, it looked the same, so it will be easier to get to classes. The only thing I hope for now. Is that they have my Sam, in this world.

I found my locker, it wasn't so hard to find, but I wish Sam was here. "I'll try looking for her today." I agreed with myself. Then I over heard a conversation this two boys we're having.

Peter's POV

"Join me together we'll build my new lego Death Star." I turn to Ned in shock "what?!" I turn to the cheerleading group, one of them just blurted out how lame it is. I just look back to Ned. "No way? How many pieces?" I ask still grabbing my notebook from my locker "3,803" he simply responded, proud of himself. "That's insane." I continue grabbing things from my locker when I soft hear a voice "it is insane." Me and Ned quickly turned our heads to the voice. Surprisingly, it was a girls voice, same age as me and Ned, and very pretty, and I mean very pretty "Oh, uh- s-sorry I didn't mean to ease drop, I just- I really enjoyed building the Death Star with my best friend, I'm- I'm sorry." She apologized "You built the Lego Death Star?" Ned asked the pretty girl
"Yeah, it was one of my favorites to build, along with the millennium falcon." My eyes went wide. I've never met a girl with an obsession with Star Wars. Let me rephrase that, I've never met a pretty girl, who has an obsession over Star Wars. I looked at Ned with a surprised/shocked look, and he returned the same look. We looked back at her as she continued to ramble "I'm-I'm sorry again, I didn't mean too, I-uhm, got to go to class." She grabbed her books into her arms, closing her locker door with her hip, she made her way down the hallway, being careful not to drop any books. I slowly turned back to Ned with the same look.

Y/n's POV

Great job idiot, now no ones gonna want to become friends with a ease dropping nerd. I just had to think out loud, didn't I? There probably the only normal nerds at this school. They'll probably not want to speak with a me ever again. Like Jessica said, I'm a freak. Why can't I just be normal?

Peter's POV

"Did that just happen?" I turn to Ned still in shock "yeah, that just happened." He responded "We need her in our group, like pronto." How are we supposed to do that "Ned, she's the only girl at this school who has an obsession with Star Wars, how are we supposed to become friends with her? We don't even know her name!" I reassured him "your right, but we'll find a way." I guess he really wants her in our little group.

Y/n's POV

Most of my classes where fine, I guess, now I have P.E. "Yay! So fun, I love P.E." I joke around with myself. Yes I'm fit n all, but I get lazy too, I'm still a just a "hormonal teenager", that's what every adult says, there like "you'll understand when you're older." Like, really, its annoying. Honestly, this school is different from my school. Yeah, it's a different universe, I get it. And guess what! I still haven't found my Sam yet.

I'm now on my way to P.E.

The P.E. uniforms a bit more comfortable, that's a good thing, I guess. Anyway, the teacher didn't seem to notice that I was new. That's a good thing because almost all my other teachers had me introduced myself in front of the class. And of course my social anxiety kicked in. It was so fun. Not. I was sweating my butt off, not to mention when everyone kept looking at me, giggling, and whispering to each other. So helpful.

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