10 - A Day in the Life of Y/n

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It's been a while since I've heard from Mr.Stark or Happy. But I update Happy every day with news and things I did during patrol. He hasn't responded to me or anything, but I still notify him.

I'm on my way to school right now. With my earphones in, listening to one of my favorites, 'The Underdog' I'm taking the subway train. I decided to notify Happy with "Hey Happy just checking in. I'm out of school at 2:45 👊" 'why did I add an emoji? Are you an idiot y/n?!- wait no! Don't answer that!' Then I continued "Ready for my next mission!" And again "it's Y/n BTW" and I of course had to add my last name, what a habit
"Y/L/N" I scrolled through the text messages, no replies.

I exit off the subway off to school. Onto the football field. Up the stairs. Walking across the street when...


I sprinted to the other side of the sidewalk. I turn to see who the idiot was, and guess who it was..Guess!. Jessica Roberts. "Sup freak!" She said before speeding off in her car. Of course, she's daddy's little girl, the rich wannabe popular girl, she just turned out to be a bully. Annoying. I rolled my eyes turning back to the front of the school. I sighed before walking in.


"Rise and shine Midtown science and technology." A voice says over the school television. "Students don't forget your homecoming tickets, do you have a date..for homecoming?" I ignore the rest of the voices and make my way upstairs. I make it to the top and continue to walk through the halls to get to my locker. I push my way through other students finally get to my locker. I slip off my backpack, then my jacket and put in my combination number. I open up my locker and hang my jacket up, as with my backpack. I grab my books for the day. "Hey y/n!" It's Sam! "Oh hey Sam! What's up?" I grab my notebook. "Nothing much. Hey, can I come over later today, I need help with science, and since your the genius of the school you can help me." I just give her a look and she gives me pouty face. "Sorry I can't I got the-" she cuts me off "Stark internship." I nod "yeah." I close my locker and start walking, she follows. I scratch the back of my ear "always got the Stark internship." Okay so I might haven't told her about the little situation that happened a little while ago. And Maybe said that I quit being spider girl. "Yeah well soon hopefully it will lead to real job." We continue walking "that would be so sweet." "Right?" Then she continues "he'll be all 'good job y/n on those spread sheets, here's a gold coin." I turn to her, tilt my head a bit. "I don't know how jobs work." I hold in a laugh "that's exactly how they work." I smiled, she let out a small "oh" she chuckles, and I join her.

"Okay so I'm gonna come over tonight, and I'll bring...." her voice trails off as I see Ethan walk passed by at the end of the busy hallway. I slow down just to stare at him. I could hear muffled talking, Sam kept talking, not noticing me obviously daydreaming. I admired every step he took, how he ran his hand through his dark hair. As his walking by he noticed me staring but simply turned away. "That'll be great." I mumbled to Sam still watching Ethan walk by with his friends.

The bell rung.


My computer open, my head down looking at my computer screen watching a YouTube video. Or to be exact, "Amazing Spider-Girl saves a bus full of kids." I'm so glad people look up to me, they make all sorts of videos. I press replay. Then I hear my teacher speak up "Y/n? You still with us?" I sit straight up once I heard my name. She looks at the board "uh- yeah, yeah." I slowly close my laptop examining the board. 'I know this one!' I exclaimed to myself. I finally answer "uh, mass cancels out so it's gravity times sign." I fidget with my pen as I answer. I sink into my shoulders hoping I got it right. I know I got it right, but I can't just assume that. "Right. See Jessica, begin the fastest isn't always the best if you are wrong." She turned to Jessica, the class let's out a low laugh and Jessica turns to me and whispers to me "Your. Dead." She threatened me, I turned the clock to check the time, impatiently waiting for school to over so I can go out for patrol.

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