07 - I-I got homework

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~ few months later ~

Earphones in listening to 'Left hand free.' Walking out of the elevator I make my way to my door. Taking my keys out unlocking my door. Walking in. Taking my keys and slipping off my backpack. "Hey Nick." I said not even looking at him "hey." and placed my things down. I walked into the kitchen "how was school today?" Uncle Nick asked as I walked out "it was okay, there was this crazy car parked outside—" And I turned to see the one, thee only. Tony Stark. I froze, he turned to me. "Oh mrs. Y/l/n." I took a step forward taking out my earphones. "Uhm" I pointed at him in confusion "w-what are you doing?- Hey! I um- I'm y/n." I said crossing my arms and un-crossing them, nervous, and excited. "Tony." He said "what are you- what are you- what are you doing here?" I finally spat out. I crossed my arms again. "It's about time we finally met. You've been getting my emails, right?" He asked winking and winking again with his other eye. I looked at him confused, but played along. looking back and forth between Uncle Nick and Tony Stark. Uncle Nick kept mouthing to me, I didn't even bother to try and figure out what he was trying to say. "Yeah..yeah! regarding the..." I trailed off. "You didn't even tell me about the Grant." Uncle Nick spook up. "About the Grant." I said pointing my arm to him. "The acceptance foundation." Tony butted in. "Right" "remember when you applied?" He ask, I tried my best lying, I had no idea what was going on. "Yeah" "I approved! So now..we're in business." He said sipping out of a mug. "You didn't tell me anything, what's up with that? Are you keeping secrets from me?-" My uncle asked turning his full attention to me. "Well I just- I just know how much you love surprises so I thought I would let you know..with..anyway, what did I apply for?" I said turning to Mr. Stark. "Thats why I'm here actually." He said rubbing his chin. "Oh-okay"

"This meatloaf-" I cut cut him off "let me stop you there." I hold my hand out "Does this Grant got money involved? Or whatever? No?.." I trailed off waiting for him to respond. "Yeah." "Yeah?" I raise my eyebrows "it's pretty well funded." "Wow." "Look who your talking too." I let out a light chuckle "can I have five minutes with her?" He asked Nick. "Sure." He agreed.


He walked in and looked at me as he locked the door. He went to my garbage can and spat out some of Uncle Nick's meat loaf. I can't blame him, Uncle Nick isn't the best cook. "That walnut meat loaf, wasn't bad." He said walking to my desk. "Oh wow. What do we have here? Retro tech, huh?" He continued to scan my desk. "Drift store? Salvation Army?" He asked "uh the um dumpster." I told him "your a dumpster diver." "Yeah I was- a-anyway, look. Uhm- I definitely did not apply for your grant-" he cut me off. "Uhh uh, me first. Quick question of the rhetorical variety." He pulled out his phone then his phone shined off a hologram playing a video.

"That's you right?" It showed me swinging and stopping a guy from Breaking into a car. The video ended and it stopped at a shot of me swinging away, my masked face clearly close to the camera. "Um no." I responded quickly. "What do you-" he cut me off. again. "Yeah." He flipped his phone horizontally. And it played another video, "look at you go." it was that video of that on time I catch a car from crashing into a bus. "Wow. Nice catch, 3,000 pounds, 40 miles an hour. It's not easy." He said putting his phone away. "You got mad skills." He said taking a step forward. "That's-that's all on YouTube though, right?" I said moving to my desk. "That's where you found it, because you know that's all fake. It's all done on the computer." I said nervously. "Mhmm." He hummed in response, not buying what I was telling him. "It's uh- like that video-" he cuts me off "yeah yeah yeah, oh you mean like those UFO's over Phoenix." He said grabbing a broom, lifting up my little attic area and my suit dangles down on the rope. "Oh!" I said charging at the suit and pulling it into my closet. I leave it in the little bin that's in front of me. I lean against my wall and cross my arms

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