14 - Spider-Man

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After the last bell rang I made my way to the nearest restroom. Once I entered I saw a window, so I locked the door, changed, then left through the window.

Currently, I am on a rooftop checking out the city. There's not much to do, "Well this is boring." I thought. So I just decided to swing around the city, make sure if there's anything I can do.

Couple hours past, nothing. So I'm about to go back home when I spot someone in the same red and blue, spandex as me. "Imposter!" I thought.

I'm watching this person from another building, eating a churro, talking on the phone. Then I realized, "wait! This seems familiar! this is that moment with the bank robbery!" I can finally stop them, I'll get a better chance too. I turn to the bank, waiting for them to appear. Being very careful, watching very closely. "Hey!" I loose my balance, and almost fall off, but I found my balance again "phew," I almost fell. "Who are you?!" Oh no, I think they saw me. I stand up, spot them and freeze. "It's not safe to be right there." The voice seemed like a young gentleman's. "I- uh." I was just frozen. He then just swung over to the roof I was at. "Do you need help getting down?" I take a step back.

"N-no, I'm fine." I gulp "big fan?" He asked looking up and down at my suit, making me blush behind my mask "that's a really good prototype." He complemented. "No, I uhm, I'm not a fan, and this isn't a prototype." I corrected him, he tilts his head. "Listen, there's gonna be a robbery there soon, I should stop it." I pointed to the bank, he looked at the bank, then back to me "what do you mean?" I see the four men walking to the bank "there here. I got to go!" I shout before jumping off the building.

Spider-Man/Peter's POV

After leaving a voicemail for happy, I finish my churro and scan the city. Something, more like someone caught my eye. There was a girl in the same red and blue suit as me. "Who's that?" I mumbled, she was crouching down, spectating the bank on the other side of the street.

"Hey!" I shout, she almost fall off, but she kept her balance "phew," she wiped her forehead. "Who are you?!" I ask standing up. She stood up then and froze. "It's not safe to be right there." I shout again. "I- uh." She was still frozen. I just swung over. "Do you need help getting down?" I asked, she took a step back.

"N-no, I'm fine." She gulped "big fan?" I asked, scanning her suit "that's a really good prototype." I complemented. "No, I uhm, I'm not a fan, and this isn't a prototype." She corrected me, "what?" I tilt my head. "Listen, there's gonna be a robbery there soon, I should stop it." She pointed to the bank, I turned at the bank, then back around "what do you mean?" She gets distracted "there here. I got to go!" She shouted before flipping off the building.

I watched in awe. This is weird, there's another spider person?

I followed her to the bank.

I was outside the bank, a guy brought out a shotgun. I was about to go in when she shot out a web and flicked her wrist. She definitely knew what she was doing.

I didn't bother to go in, just watching her fight these guys off. I see someone pull out another weapon, it's a high tech weapon, he just sent her flying across the room. I made my way in.

She had webbed "iron man" to the glass, I heard something turn on, it was another high tech weapon. "No!" She shouted, trying to jump forward. But the weapon went off, it sliced through the building. "Mr. Delmar!" We shouted at the same time. "You stay here, I'll save him!" She shouted, leaving the bank. I watched her run off. When I feel something hit my head, harshly. My eyes went heavy, Then I collapse down onto the floor, blacking out.

"Hey! Hey! Wake up! Spider-Man!" I felt my body shake side to side. My eyes open and see her "oh my gosh you scared me!" She sighed in relief. I gasp, sitting up. "Where are they?!" I ask, trying to stand up, but I just fell back down. "They, well they ran away after you blacked out." She explained. "I need to go get them." I try getting up, she pushes me back down. "You just got hit in the head, I think you should relax a bit, we can look for them next time." She said sweetly "We?" I asked "oh, uh, we don't have to work together if you don't want to, I-I understand." She sounded nervous "No, no, it's fine." I spoke up, stopping her from rambling "I uhm, have to go, be careful out there!" She shouted, leaving me on the floor, she waved. She's really cute.

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