05 - Yoink

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A/n: (just so ya know, you guys don't have to play the music. It's just an option. It's kind of like y/n's play list, I'm trying to make this as if y/n is sort of the gender bend of Peter Parker.)

"So are you gonna go out today as..spider girl?" Samantha asked whispering the last part. "Yeah I'm thinking about it." I tell her walking down the hall. "Well you should, the new superhero needs to be noticed." She says playfully nudging me. "Yeah, hopefully that the new hero gets noticed." I say playfully smirking. She just laughs it off, and I join her.


"Well that's the warning bell, see you later y/n." She says waving before walking away. "Bye." I give her a small smile. "Oh look who it is, the geek, y/n." I turn to see Jessica, I almost gagged right then and there. "What? Is the freak not gonna speak? Oh that's right, your friend isn't here to back you up." She says getting closer to me. "W-what do you want, J-Jessica?" I said. "Aww, do I make the little freak scared?" She says teasing me. "Jessica, leave her alone." I turn to see Ethan. I'm sh👀k. "Oh come on Ethan, don't you want to mess around with this little geek?" She asked, I'm pretty sure she's like obsessed with the dude, I don't know. "Just leave her alone." Ethan tells her. "Come on, she probably got plastic surgery." She says. 'WHAT?! Okay she's crossing the line' I tell myself in anger "come on, you just can't get over the fact she's hotter then you." Ethan snaps back. 'WAIT A MINUTE!! DID HE JUST CALL ME HOT?!! NO WAYYY!!' I screamed to myself, I tried to stay serious in this moment. "Ugh. Whatever." 'Ugh. Just shut up already, yeah?' I talk to myself, I don't wanna start drama. She walks away. 'SHIT!' I was late to class. "Uhhh..thanks, I got to go. Thanks again." I said to Ethan before running to class before he can even speak to me.

It was to late, I was late for class.


"And then she said 'she probably got plastic surgery.'" I said in a annoying voice to mimic Jessica. "And then Ethan said 'you just can't get over the fact she's hotter then you' and man I felt like screeching with excitement, but I had to keep it in." I tell her the story that happened when I was going to class. "OMG!! Ethan called you hott?!! OMGGGGGGG!!!" She says a bit jealous. "Yeah! I know!! He thinks I'm hot!!EEEEEEEEK!!!" I screeched. Once I screeched everyone in the cafeteria looked at me concerned and confused and my awkward dumb ass just sank down in my sit. I hate when everyone looks at me, it gives me anxiety. Thank goodness the bell rung.


I sigh in relief, get up. Get my bag and left.


"Okay so, um where do I go?" I say sitting on the roof in my suit. "Well I'm not sure, just try and find a spot where most crimes happen." Sam says through the phone. "How am I supposed to know where that is?" I said taking off my mask, my messy hair flopped down to my shoulders. "Well I think there's an alley way, about a block a way from you." She says "oh, I know what alley way your talking about. Okay I'll call you after something happens." I tell her. "Okay, please be safe." "Mhmm, bye." I say hanging up the phone.

I put my phone in my backpack, stand up and slipped down my mask. I left my backpack there so it wouldn't get stolen. I start running and I jump off, I shoot my webs and start swinging, people started to notice and recorded. I found the alley way that Sam was talking about and crouched down on the building waiting for something to happen.

It's been about 30 minutes. I was sitting down with my mask up to my nose. "HEY BACK OFF!!" I hear a lady say. I look down at the scene and see a man backing the woman up into the alley. The alley was a dead end. I got up on my feet, crouching down. I pull down my mask. I see the man take the lady's purse. "I'll take that!!" I shoot a web and pull the purse up and caught it. "Yoink!" I made a sound affect once I got the purse.

A/n: (y'all better know where that's from)

I jump down into the alley way. "Hey man, don't you know it's not cool to steal things." I said standing in front of the woman and giving her the purse. The man didn't say anything, he pulled out a gun. I Webbed the gun and moved it, making it smack him across the face. "Ya know, this is a lot easier than I thought." I said webbing him to the wall. I turn to the woman. "Call the cops, be more careful next time." I said waving before swinging away.


I climbed into Samanthas room through her window. I plopped down to the floor. "Soo~ how was it?" Sam asked as I pulled off my mask "why don't you see for your self." I grabbed her remote and turned on the tv, flipping it to the news channel. "And this girl. She was masked. She saved my life and I am really grateful she was there." The same lady that I saved said to the camera. I saved someone, it made me smile. "Some citizens say that they saw her swinging along the city with some weird kind of rope. Here is some footage." The man says before the screen starts playing a video of me swinging through the city. "You have been noticed y/n!" I turn to her. "I have!" I said smiling.


"I don't want to go, please aunt Jamie. Don't make me go!" My younger self told my aunt. I was starting preschool. "Y/n. You have to go. I'm sorry hunny." Aunt Jamie says hugging me back, I was holding onto her, not wanting to move from where we where standing. We where outside the doors to the classroom. She ducks down to my level. "Hunny, I know your scared, but you need to learn how to make friends." She says putting a strain of hair behind my small ear. "But I rather have only have you and uncle nick as my only friends." I say looking down. "No one would wants to be my friend." Samantha overheard what I had said and her kindness took over. "Hi I'm Samantha." I turn around. "H-hi Samantha, I'm Y-Y/n." I said looking up at her. She had pretty brown hair, she was wearing a floral shirt with pink leggings. "Do you want to be my friend, y/n?" Samantha asked. My faced lit up "r-really?!" I asked and she nodded "mhmm. I want to be best friends." I smiled and turned to aunt Jamie and uncle Nick. They both gave me an approving nod. "Me too!" I said with a big grin. We both linked arms and skipped into class. "She's all grown up." Aunt Jamie said getting up. "Next thing you know she'll be on her way to college." Uncle Nick holds her tightly "we'll just not let it flash before our eyes, we owe this to her parents." Uncle nick says rubbing her arm. "We do." She said looking up at him.


End of chapter 5

A/n: just so ya know that was a memory, it was when y/n, and Samantha first met. I know this one was kind of short.

Song: Chelsea Dagger by The Fratellis

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