Part 11

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Minho POV

I hate this shucking school. It's so boring and the stuff they's so easy I don't know how the dumb shuckfaces at this school don't get it! 

To make matters like 1000 times worse Teresa's alive. Which is just shucking amazing. The girl who almost got us all killed. 

It's her fault I had to go through what I went through at W.I.C.K.E.D. 

She's the shucking reason Thomas got shot and was captured by Janson!!!!

Seeing Newt like that...that was terrifying. He wasn't scary but it was more like if he were drowning and someone had just ripped away his only life line. 

I had always known that Newt and Thomas had a connection from the second they met. Even if those shanks denied it. 

I will never forget how Newt reacted when we were in the berg circling the burning building waiting for Thomas to arrive. 

Every moment he didn't come through those doors Newt got worse and worse. 


(I'm just making this up a little it's following death cure movie not the book but I'm adding my own small additions to it)

We're on the berg waiting. Thomas was supposed to be here by now but he was nowhere to be seen.

 I glance at Newt and see tears are streaming down his face, I know what he's about to do right before he does it and I grab his arm to stop him. He was going to jump off the berg and run into a burning and a collapsing building. 

"Newt you can't." He looks at me pure anguish on his face. "Minho... Tommy is in there I have too....I can't lose him too, I can't!" I hear glass breaking somewhere below and the entire building shudders. Newt flinches, his eyes desperately scanning for any sign of Thomas. 

The berg pulls away from the building slightly, we were too close and when the building goes down we don't want to go down with it.

 Newt's shaking now and he won't sit still. Craning his neck for any sign of Thomas. 

I know if I need to I'm going to have to physically hold him back a lot more then I am right now because he would never leave Thomas. Ever. 

Just when we are beginning to lose hope the roof door bursts open. I see Thomas with Teresa but somethings wrong. Thomas...his eyes are closed and it looks more like Teresa is dragging him. "Tommy!!" Newt struggles to get out of my grip but I only tighten it. "We can't jump out there Newt, we have to pull them up." 

Just then part of the building begins collapsing causing Teresa to lose her balance. She falls and Thomas goes down with her. 

His eyes flutter open slowly and he groans. "TOMMY!" Newt screams so loud I think he burst my eardrum.

 Thomas looks up and his eyes meet Newt's. 

Newt's POV

My eyes lock with Thomas and I refuse to look away. "C'mon Tommy!" Minho won't loosen his grip on my arm, knowing that if he let's go I will be on that roof in a second.

 I watch Tommy try and stand up but collapse again, somethings wrong with him...

 Teresa stands up again and pulls Thomas up. She slowly makes her way to the berg, we are floating above the building and I reach my arm out to try and grab Tommy. Minho finally let's go of my arm in favor of trying to grab Thomas. 

I see his eyes close, Teresa looks like she's going to drop him any second.

 "C'mon Tommy stay awake all right just stay awake!" I can feel the tears running down my face but I don't care I just need Tommy to be ok. 

I'm not Stiles anymore. I'm Thomas. Maze Runner X Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now