Part 26

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Newt POV

I sat in the passenger seat of the car alone.

 I'd told the others I needed a moment and that was true I did need a moment. 

The necklace I gave Tommy is clutched tightly in my hands, so tightly my hands are beginning to go white. The note from Janson replayed over and over in my mind. 

He said that Tommy would be dead before we could even escape WICKED. That explains another reason why they linked him and Teresa I guess. 

How can we possibly hope to save him when all WICKED has to do is hurt or kill Teresa and then they're hurting him as well...

He'll be fine though I mean it's Tommy we're talking about he can get out of any situation, like there's some guardian angel looking out for him. 

My hands begin to hurt a little from how tightly I'm clutching the necklace so I relax my grip and just let it sit in my hand. 

It's not much but Tommy loved it and he never took it off. 

Not once, through everything he was always wearing it. 


I clutch the small gift in my hands as I walk up to Tommy. He's sitting by the fire while everyone else sleeps. We're taking watches in the scorch because you can never really be sure of anything out here especially safety.

 He looked up when I approached and a small smile appeared on his face. "Hey Newt."

 I give him a smile in return and sit next to him. "Hey Tommy." 

I clutch the small object in my hands even tighter now beginning to feel a little foolish. 

"Hey...what's up?" He cupped my jaw and turned my face so that I was looking at him but I quickly focused on something just beyond his shoulder. I couldn't look him in the eye. 

"Uh...I wanted give you something." Confusion flooded his face and he tilted his head to the side just a little. "What do you mean?" 

I blushed dark crimson before grabbing one of his hands and placing the necklace into it. "I found it before the cranks showed up and I don't know I guess it's a little stupid." I looked into the fire again while Thomas held the necklace.

 He let out a little laugh and wrapped an arm around my shoulders before pulling me into him. "Thank you Newt I love it." I blushed again and buried my face into his chest. 

"Really? It's not too..." 

He shakes his head and presses a kiss to the top of my head. "I love it and I love you." 

I froze a little, this being the first time that we actually spoke those words out loud. 

They sounded right coming out of Thomas's mouth though and I found myself smiling before I answered him. 

"I love you too Tommy."

 He only answered by pulling me tighter against him.

-End Flashback- 

The sound of the vehicle doors opening jolts me out of my head. 

Minho slides into the back seat followed by Brenda and then the drivers door opens and Jorge jumps in. He gives me a sympathetic look before turning the keys and starting up Bertha. 

"We have to head back now." 

I just nod before looking out the window. 

The rides eerily silent, no one says anything. 

I'm not Stiles anymore. I'm Thomas. Maze Runner X Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now