Part 10

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Newt's POV

I woke up to the sound of talking downstairs. Talking is a bit of an understatement it was more like people were screaming at each other. 

I look up and see that Tommy is still asleep, his arm still wrapped around me. 

He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. When he's asleep he doesn't carry the weight of the world on his shoulders.

 I slowly sit up, moving Tommy's arm gently to try and not wake him up. Once I've sat up in the bed I roll over to the other side and stand up. I tiptoe to the bathroom and close the door. 

I turn on the shower and while I'm waiting for the water to heat up I grab my clothes and brush my teeth before hopping into the shower. It's still unbelievable to me that we can all do such normal things like take showers and eat breakfast without worrying about cranks coming to kill us. 

It's like the Glade only a lot less people and there's no grievers here. Even with the grievers I would have chosen the Glade over Beacon Hills. At least in the Glade everyone was together and not spread out all over the place. In the Glade Alby, Chuck, Winston, Zart and Ben were all still alive and weren't dead. 

Maybe today though we will finally find some of our friends. When we find them and bring them all here we are never allowing anyone to separate us again and if some dumb shank tries to separate us then they are going to die. 

No one separates us again. 


 I climb out of the shower wrapping a towel around my waist. My skin is no better off then Tommy's is. It's covered in scars, I don't mind them that much though. They show that we survived. 

If there was one thing I could change though I would get rid of that stupid tattoo on the base of my neck. Tommy, Gally and Minho have them as well, it marks us as property of W.I.C.K.E.D, and I hate that.

 So far no one has noticed them and I for one am grateful for that. I don't want to talk about what happened to me and everyone else to someone who can only imagine what we went through...if they can even imagine. 

There's a knock at the bathroom door. I open the door and see Tommy standing there. 

"Hey Tommy did I wake you?" "No I woke up when you got up." I frown slightly. "Oh sorry Tommy." "It's good Newt the others screaming at each other woke me up as well." We both laugh at that.

 I suddenly remember I'm only wearing a towel but that little fact Tommy seems to have already noticed.

 "Well then Newt I will let you get changed while I go see what on earth is going on downstairs." I nod and he walks away leaving me to get dressed. 

That's one of the things I like about Tommy, he respects boundaries and privacy. He doesn't push me to do anything he just lets me do whatever I'm comfortable with. 

The yelling downstairs only seems to have increased since Tommy went down so I head down to see what the shuck is going on. I leave our bedroom and walk down the stairs. 

Tommy is just stood there laughing and I laugh to when I see what's going on. Jorge, Brenda, Gally and Minho are trying to cook breakfast and all their really accomplishing is yelling at each other. "No Gally It said 3 eggs not 2!" Minho yells. "No I'm sure it said 2 and I'm always right!" He shoots back. Jorge looks up and notices Tommy and I standing there. "Hey idiots! We woke them up!" Everyone pauses and looks at us. "Seriously guys couldn't you have slept for like 20 more minutes?" We look at Brenda. "You guys were screaming at each other, you weren't exactly being quiet about it." I say while looking at the state the kitchens in. "You guys are so cleaning this up."

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