Part 4

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Scott POV

After economics the next class passed by with no Stiles or Thomas or whatever he was calling himself. It was lunch when something happened.

 I headed to our normal secluded spot far enough from other people that no one could hear us and no one could see us unless they looked really hard. I can hear arguing and when I approach I see Derek glaring that Gally?

 My pack is behind Derek while Newt and Minho are behind Gally both of them glaring. "What's going on over here?" I ask as I approach and I see Derek look at me.

 " These kids are saying they don't know who Stiles is when they are obviously lying." Gally looks outraged. "We don't know a Stiles the person your talking about his name is Thomas not Stiles!" 

With that Derek shoved Gally and Gally stumbles backwards Minho catching him. Someone passes by me and shoved Derek so hard Derek falls backwards. 

Derek...Who doesn't even stumble if you punch him is shoved to the ground by...Stiles?" 

Thomas POV

I leave them alone for five minutes!! Five minutes! I had followed the sound of Gally yelling and then I saw some guy push him backwards. I knew him he was hanging around that kid...Scott was it? He had been watching me all day and it was creepy. 

When I saw him push Gally I got angry really angry so I ran and I shoved him to the ground before turning to Gally. "You good?" He nods. "I'm going to kill that stupid shuckface!" I turn around to see the guy Scott helping the other guy off the ground.

 I glare at them and cross my arms. "Don't touch my friends ever again." I say it really calm but Newt and the others know I only speak calm when I'm super pissed. "You stay the hell away from us or I swear to god I will shucking kill you." 

The people surrounding Scott look surprised. I go to turn away when someone grabs my shoulder. I tense immediately and Newt notices. Based off of pure instinct I grab the hand of whoever was touching me and draw back my fist before connecting it with their face. I hear a crack and I let go of his hand satisfied. "Don't touch me." I say while looking each of them directly in the eye.

 "C'mon guys." I wrap my arm around Newt's waist and we begin walking away. Minho suddenly stops and turns around. "STUPID SLINTHEADS!!" He screams back at them and with that we walk into the field away from those crazy guys and girls. 

Scott POV

I clutch my nose which was very broken or was very broken it's healing now. Stiles broke my nose with a punch. A punch. The rest of the pack seems to be in shock about what just happened. Liam is the first to speak. "What's a slinthead?" I shake my head. "No idea some of the words they said didn't really make any sense. 

Derek was staring at where Stiles was now sitting with his new friends. Newt had his head in Stiles lap while Stiles played with his hair. Minho and Gally were wrestling on the grass.

 "He shoved me to the ground." Derek sounded very confused. Isaac suddenly went in front of Derek and shoved him backwards using all his werewolf strength and Derek only stumbled. Isaac looked confused. "What the hell?"

 Lydia was staring at Stiles really hard. "Lydia what is it?" Kira asks placing a hand on Lydia's shoulder. She turns to all of us. "None of you saw them?" We all shook our heads. "His scars...on his arms, there was so many." 

Lydia takes a step forward and then continues walking. "Lydia where are you going?" She turns back to me. "I'm going to go talk to him." She continues walking towards the group of four.

I'm not Stiles anymore. I'm Thomas. Maze Runner X Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now